Client Directory: M
Macdonald - Murray
Martin Noble Editorial has provided editorial services for nearly 400 clients. For more details (including a summary list of MNE's work for each client), click on one of the letters below:
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Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd Publisher of general fiction and non-fiction books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1987 to 1989. Functions: copy-editing, proofreading, indexing Address: 165 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4YA Tel: (UK) 0171-911 8000 Fax: (UK) 0171-911 8100 Status: incorporated into Little, Brown and Company (UK) Ltd Contacts: CDo = Coralie Dorman DHa = David Haslam RTr = Roger Tritton Date Title Author Class Job/editor 14/10/87 Take Six Cooks Thames TV Cookery Indexing/CDo 12/06/88 Illustrated Almanac Wisden Sport:cricket Galley proofs/DHe 11/03/89 American Football 1 Smith, A Sport:US football Copy-editing /DHe 20/03/89 American Football 2 Smith, A Sport:US football Copy-editing /DHe 13/04/89 American Football 3 Smith, A Sport:US football Copy-editing /DHe 26/04/89 American Football 4 Smith, A Sport:US football Copy-editing /DHe 27/06/89 Mercedes-Benz Comp. Transport: cars Indexing/RTr 28/06/89 Mercedes-Benz (pix) Comp. Transport: cars Indexing/RTr Macdonald & Evans Publisher of business and management books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1984 to 1985. Function: proofreading Address: 128 Long Acre, London WC2E 9AN Tel: (UK) 0171-379 7383 Fax: (UK) 0171-240 5771 Status: incorporated into Pitman Publishing, a division of Pearson Professional Ltd Contact: PWi = Peter Williams Date Title Author Class Job/editor 26/11/84 Stores Management unid Business:managemnt Proofreading /PWi 07/03/85 Advertising Jefkins Business:marketing Proof+collatn/PWi Meriel McEntagart Meriel McEntagart is author of the MD thesis: Clinical and Molecular Studies of Peroneal Muscular Atrophy Associated with Vocal Cord Paralysis, edited and printed by MNE in 2003. Function: editing, printing Address: Flat 4, 89 Priory Road, London NW6 3NL Tel: (UK) 0207 3288817 / 07960 166541 Fax: (UK) 0207 8138141 Email: / Status: academic Contact: Meriel McEntagart Date Title Author Class Job/editor 14/05/03 MD Thesis McEntagart medicine Editing/printing McGraw-Hill Book Company Europe Publisher of technical, scientific, professional reference books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1988 to 1990. Functions: copy-editing, proofreading Address: McGraw-Hill House, Shoppenhangers Rd, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 2QL Tel: (UK) 01628 23432 Fax: (UK) 01628 770224 Status: European division of US company Contacts: LNe = Liz Nemecek PWa = Penny Walker SJB = Sarah-Jane Bricknell TLe = Tracy Lewis Date Title Author Class Job/editor 02/01/88 Practic Needham Business:managemnt Proofreading /SJB 27/04/88 Practical Advertisg Hart, N Business:marketing Copy-editing /LNe 25/07/88 Using Economics Stead, R Economics:general Proofreading /PWa 27/09/88 Controlg w.Computrs Billingsly Computing Proofreading /PWa 10/08/89 Entrepreneurship Binks &Vale Business:managemnt Copy-editing /LNe 11/10/89 Appraising Perform. Philp, T. Business:managemnt Edit: extra /LNe 01/12/89 Managing Organizns Wilson,D ed Business:managemnt Copy-editing /LNe 10/01/90 Orgs. Pedler,M.ed Business:psycholog Copy-editing /TLe 01/02/90 Extraord. Business Crofts, A. Business:computers Copy-editing /TLe 21/04/90 Incredible Bosses FreemantleD Business:managemnt Copy-editing /TLe 19/05/90 Open Systems Gray,Dr P A Economics:finance Copy-editing /LNe 26/06/90 Managing Personal L Clark, N. Business:managemnt Copy-editing /TLe Grant McIntyre Publisher of medical books for whom MNE worked editorially in 1981. Functions: copy-editing, indexing Address: London W1 Status: defunct Contact: ASi = Adam Sisman Date Title Author Class Job/editor 26/02/81 What Is a Case? Wing/Bebbi Psychology Indexing/ASi 06/04/81 VD ms unid Medicine Copy-editing /ASi Macmillan Publisher of general fiction and non-fiction books for whom MNE has worked editorially from 1981. Functions: copy-editing, proofreading Address: 20 New Wharf Road, London N1 9RR (UK) Tel: (UK) 020 70146000 Fax: (UK) 020 70146001 Status: Division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd Contacts: ADy = Angela Dyer AJa = Anne Jackson EJa = Esther Jagger JBu = Jacqui Butler KPa = Kate Parkin NJe = Natalie Jerome PPr = Penny Price Date Title Author Class Job/editor 05/04/81 Birdwatching in 70s Wallace, I. Ornithology Proofreading /ADy 03/11/81 Kindness of Dr Avic Pearson Fictn:gen/literary Copy-editing /AJa 29/12/81 Sergei,Olga & Daria Crisp, W. Fictn:gen/literary Copy-editing /AJa 19/01/82 Wings of theMorning unid Fictn:saga/epic Proofreading /AJa 19/03/82 Singing Spears,The Thompson,E Fictn:S African Copy-editing /EJa 12/05/82 Winter's Tales 28 Maclean,A Fictn:gen/literary Proofreading /KPa 17/01/83 Keynes 1: chs 1-8 unid Economics:general Copy-editing /KPa 27/04/83 Keynes 1: chs 9-11 unid Economics:general Copy-editing /KPa 16/05/83 Keynes: 1 ch.12 unid Economics:general Copy-editing /EJa 03/06/83 Keynes 1 chs 13-15 unid Economics:general Copy-editing /KPa 06/06/83 Keynes 1 ch. 16 unid Economics:general Copy-editing /KPa 15/06/83 Love You Make,The Brown/Gaine Art:music, popular Copy-editing /EJa 07/07/83 Love You Make,The Brown/Gaine Art:music, popular Proofreading /KPa 24/06/02 Gimme Gimme Gimme Harvey, J. Humour Proofreading/NJe 13/08/02 Austin Powers Lane, Andy Cinema Proofreading/NJe 14/04/03 Crap Towns Jordison,S. Travel Britain Editg on disc/NJe 06/05/03 Bond Girls Are Fore Cork, John Cinema Editg on disc/NJe 19/06/03 Footballers Wives Reynolds,J. Humour Editg on disc/JBu 26/06/03 Phoenix Nights Kay, Peter Humour Proofreading/NJe 08/03/04 25 Years of Viz Cook, W. Humour Editg on disc/JBu 25/03/04 Wallace & Gromit Lane, Andy Cinema Editg on disc/JBu 20/05/04 Crap Towns 2 Jordison,S. Travel Britain Editg on disc/NJe 25/05/04 Place in the Sun Blake, F. Travel:emigration Editg on disc/PPr 01/06/04 World Beard Champs Ames, M. Humour Proofreading/NJe 24/06/04 Portrts of Princess Jephson, P. Royalty 2nd proofread/NJe 02/11/04 Magic Roundabout Lane, Andy Cinema Proofreading/NJe 14/12/04 Making of HHGG Simpson, P. Cinema Editg on disc/NJe 22/03/05 Rude Britain Bailey/Hurs Travel Britain Editg on disc/NJe 04/04/05 40Yrs Magic Roundbt Lane, Andy art/TV Editg on disc/JBu 30/06/05 Benrik Diary Benrik Ltd Humour Editg on disc/NJe 30/06/05 David Beckham,MySon Beckham, T. Sport: football Editg on disc/NJe 11/07/05 Britney Smith, Sean Music Editg on disc/JBu 20/07/05 Britney 2 Smith, Sean Music Editg on disc/JBu 07/01/06 Art of Bond Bouzereau,L Cinema Editg on disc/JBu 17/05/06 Rude World Bailey, R. Travel Britain Editg on disc/PPr Macmillan Education Publisher of educational books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1987 to 1990. Functions: copy-editing, proofreading, CRC (camera ready copy) checking Address: Brunel Rd,Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 2XS Tel: (UK) 01256 29242 Fax: (UK) 01256 479985 Status: division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd Contacts: CFa = Clare Farley IMu = Isobel Munday MRa = Myni Raikes OPa = Orla Parkinson Date Title Author Class Job/editor 12/03/87 Law Matters Webster,A Education:legal Copy-editing /IMu 29/06/87 Law Matters Webster,A. Education:legal Proof+collatn/IMu 24/07/87 Law Matters Webster,A Education:legal CRC checking /IMu 13/10/87 Law Matters Webster, A. Education:legal Proofreading /IMu 14/03/88 Health & Safety Smith,S Health:education Copy-editing /IMu 24/05/88 Health and Safety Smith, S Health:education Proof+collatn/IMu 13/07/88 Health & Safety Smith, S Health:education CRC checking /IMu 13/09/88 Health & Safety Smith, S Health:education Proofreading /IMu 14/12/88 Family Matters Lucas/Keane Fictn:children's Copy-editing /CFa 12/03/89 Family Matters Lucas/Keane Fictn:children's Galley proofs/CFa 13/04/89 Family Matters Lucas ed. Fictn:children's CRC checking /CFa 01/06/89 Family Matters ed. Lucas Fictn:children's Proofreading /CFa 28/06/89 Family Matters Ed. Lucas Fictn:children's 2nd proofread/CFa 22/08/89 Food Facts Investig Clarke, D. Education:nutritnl Copy-editing /OPa 23/11/89 Food Facts Investig Clarke, D. Education:nutritnl Proofreading /MRa 05/01/90 Citizen 16+:2nd edn MothersoleB Education:legal Copy-editing /CFa 05/01/90 Food Facts Investig Clarke, D. Education:nutritnl 2nd proofread/CFa 04/02/90 Taking Sides Lucas, B Fictn:children's Proof+collatn/CFa 24/02/90 Citizen 16+ MothersoleB Education:legal Editl queries/IMu 05/06/90 Citizen 16+ (Pc) MothersoleB Education:legal Proof+collatn/IMu 13/06/90 Leisure Environment Cheers, A. Leisure Copy-editing /IMu 21/07/90 Citizen 16+ P2 MothersoleB Education:legal 2nd proofread/IMu 24/10/90 Leisure Environment Cheers, A. Leisure Proof+collatn/IMu Macmillan Press Ltd Publisher of academic, professional and vocational books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1980 to 1983. Functions: copy-editing, proofreading Address: Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 2XS Tel: (UK) 01256 29242 Fax: (UK) 01256 479476 Status: division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd Contacts: AMa = Ann Marangos GDu = Gerard Dummett IMu = Isobel Munday TFa = Tim Farmiloe TFo = Tim Fox Date Title Author Class Job/editor 26/02/81 unid unidentifd Unidentified Copy-editing /GDu 09/03/81 unid unidentifd Unidentified Copy-editing /GDu 10/04/81 Acs'Prof.Negligence Pockson Business:accntancy Proofreading /GDu 14/05/81 Pols & Eur.Recessn Cox ed Politics:European Copy-editing /GDu 04/06/81 Man.Acc.& Corp.Gove Midgley Business:accntancy Proofreading /IMu 07/06/81 Feminism & Psychoan Gallop Women: fem.studies Proofreading /GDu 30/06/81 Unemp,Infl.& N.Macr Perkins Economics:general Copy-editing /IMu 24/07/81 C.Europ Mommsen/Hir History: European Copy-editing /IMu 07/09/81 Work,Income & Inequ Stewart ed Economics:general Copy-editing /IMu 10/10/81 Studs in Exper.Psyc Ferguson Psychology Copy-editing /IMu 25/10/81 Br.Infl.on Am.Lit. Peach Literature:studies Proofreading /IMu 25/10/81 unid Bohlman,O Unidentified Proofreading /IMu 05/11/81 Work,Income & Inequ Stewart ed Economics:general Copy-editing /IMu 13/11/81 Vol.1 Anglo-Irish T Durham Rep Politics:British Proofreading /IMu 13/11/81 Com. Durham Rep Politics:British Proofreading /IMu 24/11/81 Afgh.under Sov.Dom. Hyman History: Russian Proofreading /IMu 01/12/81 Shakespeare & Time Kastan Literature:Shakesp Copy-editing /IMu 08/12/81 Mod.Am.Aut Taylor,G O Literature:studies Copy-editing /IMu 18/12/81 C.Europ Mommsen/Hir History: European Proofreading /IMu 31/12/81 Exchange Rate Polic Batchelor Economics:general Proofreading /IMu 15/01/82 Trollope Cent.Essys Halperin ed Literature:studies Proofreading /IMu 01/03/82 Soviet Budget,The Hutchings,R Economics:general Copy-editing /IMu 26/03/82 Armed Forces & Welf Jenkins,H Sociology:military Copy-editing /IMu 12/05/82 freelance seminar Macmillan P Editing seminar Editing /TFo 11/06/82 Housman,AE:Crit.Bio Page,N Literature:biogra. Copy-editing /IMu 30/06/82 Brit's Naval Future dable, J. Naval: studies Copy-editing /IMu 03/08/82 Soviet Budget,The Hutchings,R Economics:general Proofreading /IMu 23/08/82 Dickens Companion,A Page, N. Literature:biogra. Copy-editing /IMu 21/10/82 New Int.Econ.Order Hart Economics:general Copy-editing /IMu 26/11/82 Politics of Banking Moran Economics:finance Copy-editing /IMu 29/11/82 Housman,AE:Crit.Bio Page,N Literature:biogra. Proofreading /IMu 14/04/83 Foreign/Domc.Policy Sodaro/Wolc Politics:British Proofreading /TFo 19/09/83 SovietPolitics45-53 unid Politics:Russian Copy-editing /AMa 03/11/83 Cont.Microec Teiwel ed Economics:general Edit+collate /TFa 03/11/83 Cont.Macroec Teiwel ed Economics:general Edit+collate /TFa 03/11/83 Keynes' Relevance T Vicarelli e Economics:general Edit+collate /TFa 30/11/83 WAfrica Partitioned Hargreaves Politics:African Copy-editing /AMa Macmillan Reference Books Publisher of general reference books and encyclopaedias including The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics on which MNE worked editorially from 1985 to 1987. Functions: copy-editing, proofreading Address: 25 Eccleston Place, London SW1W 9NF Tel: (UK) 0171-881 8000 Status: division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd Contact: MLe = Margot Levy Date Title Author Class Job/editor 05/12/85 New Palgrave ms 1 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 04/01/86 New Palgrave ms 2 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 02/02/86 New Palgrave ms 3 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 12/02/86 New Palgrave ms 4 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 06/03/86 New Palgrave ms 5 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 17/03/86 New Palgrave ms 6 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 25/03/86 New Palgrave ms 7 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 31/03/86 New Palgrave ms 8 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 31/03/86 New Palgrave g 1 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 04/04/86 New Palgrave ms 9 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 18/04/86 New Palgrave g 2 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 22/04/86 New Palgrave g 3 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 30/04/86 New Palgrave ms 10 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 24/05/86 New Palgrave ms 11 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 25/05/86 New Palgrave ms 12 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 29/05/86 New Palgrave g 4 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 02/06/86 New Palgrave ms 13 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 09/06/86 New Palgrave g 5 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 23/06/86 New Palgrave ms 14 Palgrave ed Economics:general Copy-editing /MLe 23/06/86 New Palgrave g 6 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 25/06/86 New Palgrave g 7 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 28/06/86 New Palgrave g 8 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 12/07/86 New Palgrave g 9 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 21/07/86 New Palgrave g 10 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 28/07/86 New Palgrave g 11 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 12/08/86 New Palgrave g 12 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 15/08/86 New Palgrave g 13 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 01/09/86 New Palgrave g 15 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 13/09/86 New Palgrave g 15 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 26/10/86 New Palgrave g 16 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 05/11/86 New Palgrave g 17 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 11/11/86 New Palgrave g 18 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 11/11/86 New Palgrave g 19 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 26/11/86 New Palgrave g 20 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe 20/01/87 New Palgrave g 21 Palgrave ed Economics:general Galley proofs/MLe Catherine McNamara Catherine McNamara is the author of the thesis: The constitution of transgender masculinities through performance: A study of theatre and the everyday. Functions: copy-editing Date Title Author Class Job/editor 15/04/09 Thesis 1 McNamara, C Gender studies Editing 23/04/09 Thesis 1 McNamara, C Gender studies Editing 24/10/14 What's It Worth? McNamara, C.Education:Tertiary Editing Kumiko Maekawa Kumiko Maekawa is a Japanese historian based in Tokyo who is studying English and French 12th-century illustrated manuscripts and for whom MNE has worked editorially via the Internet from 1998. Functions: rewriting Address: 1-54-9-707 Sasazuka, Shibuya, 151-0073, Tokyo, Japan Tel: (Japan) +81-3-3374-7487 Fax: (Japan) +81-489-43-2238 Email: Status: academic Contact: KMa = Kumiko Maekawa Date Title Author Class Job/editor 07/12/98 Narrative & Exper.1 Maekawa, K. History:medieval Rewriting /KMa 05/03/99 Narrative & Exper.2 Maekawa, K. History:medieval Rewriting /KMa 26/01/01 BookExp.&Image Read Maekawa, K. History:medieval Rewriting /KMa 01/11/11 Textual Sources Maekawa, K. History:medieval Rewriting /KMa Magnum Publisher of paperback fiction books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1980 to 1981. Functions: proofreading, reading/editorial reports Address: London, W1 Status: former imprint of Methuen London Ltd, now defunct Contact: DHo = Dorothy Houghton Date Title Author Class Job/editor 07/02/80 Monkeys in the Dark Alpuget, B. Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /DHo 07/02/80 Singapore Luke/Rilla Fictn:World War II Read/report /DHo 18/02/80 In Village of t.Man Little, L. Fictn:American Read/report /DHo 18/02/80 Dam,The Gordon, S. Fictn:provincial Read/report /DHo 28/02/80 Fortune's Hostages Moorehead Crime:internationl Read/report /DHo 01/04/80 What Hollywd Lasky, J.Jr Art:film,Hollywood Read/report /DHo 01/04/80 Wild Oats Epstein, J. Fictn:American Read/report /DHo 15/04/80 Pinch of Snuff,A Hill Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /DHo 15/04/80 Forged in Fury Elkins, M. History: WWII Read/report /DHo 21/04/80 Sending,The Household,G Fictn:horror/occlt Read/report /DHo 21/04/80 Pendulum Eastman, R. Fictn:thriller Read/report /DHo 01/05/80 Secrets of Ice Age Hadingham Archaeology Read/report /DHo 01/05/80 Crow Eaters,The Sidhwa, B. Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /DHo 15/05/80 Bogart 48 (+ Davis, Stanley, J. Fictn:crime/myster Read/report /DHo 15/05/80 Siesta,The Chaplin, P. Fictn:psychologicl Read/report /DHo 04/06/80 Blood Scenario Spain, P. Fictn:thriller Read/report /DHo 04/06/80 Blood Brothers unid Fictn:music,populr Read/report /DHo 10/07/80 Dutch Treat Jones,T Fictn:World War II Read/report /DHo 22/07/80 Watcher,The Smith,K N Fictn:thriller Read/report /DHo 22/07/80 Guys Like Us Lorenz,T Fictn:sport Read/report /DHo 26/07/80 Crimson Kisses Drake, J. Fictn:thriller Read/report /DHo 17/08/80 Rounds Busch Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /DHo 17/08/80 Betrayed Skies Braunberg Fictn:World War I Read/report /DHo 01/09/80 Emperor of t.Amazon Souza,M Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /DHo 22/05/81 Love Murders,The Goddard,A Fictn:thriller Proofreading /DHo Mahadevima Foundation Mahadevima Foundation publish spiritual Buddhist writings. 'From Fear to Enlightenment' is based on a series of lectures given by Mahadevima. Functions: editing, rewriting Address: 301/3 Wellington Mews, Koregoan Park, Pune, 411001, India Email: Status: spiritual community/publisher Contact: Michael Salow Date Title Author Class Job 13/03/06 From Fear to Enlightenment Mahadevima Spiritual Editing/rewriting Mandarin Publisher of paperback fiction and general non-fiction books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1990 to 1991. Functions: proofreading, indexing Address: Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London SW3 6RB Tel: (UK) 0171-581 9393 Fax: (UK) 0171-225 9095 Status: imprint of Reed Books, division of Reed International Books Contact: Tracie Lee Date Title Author Class Job/editor 19/07/90 Mega-Merger Mayhem Gray, S.J. Business:computers Index revisng/TLe 16/01/91 Edwin Drood Dickens, C. Fictn:Victorian Proofreading /TLe 16/01/91 Hard Times Dickens, C. Fictn:Victorian Proofreading /TLe Wayne Marentette Writer of memoir on his near-death experience for whom MNE worked editorially in 1999-2000. Functions: editing on disc, press release, rewriting Email: Status: writer Contact: Wayne Marentette Date Title Author Class Job/editor 30/07/99 Dream of Life,The MarentetteW Esoteric Editg on disk 17/11/99 Dream of Life,The MarentetteW Esoteric Rewriting 24/02/00 4 days in Eternity MarentetteW Esoteric Press release Marshall Pickering Publisher of books on theology, music, popular religion etc. for whom MNE worked editorially in 1987. Function: proofreading Address: 77-85 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, London W6 8JB Tel: (UK) 0181-7417070 Fax: (UK) 0181-3074440 Status: imprint of HarperCollins Publishers Contact: SLJ = Sian Lloyd-Jones Date Title Author Class Job/editor 27/07/87 Moltmann Bauckham,RJ Theology:Christian Galley proofs/SLJ Matthews, Miller & Dunbar Publisher of books on art and design for whom MNE worked editorially from 1976 to 1977. Functions: copy-editing, copywriting/jacket blurbs, reading/editorial reports, rewriting Address: Covent Garden, London WC2 Status: defunct Contacts: BMi = Barry Miller TMa = Tony Matthews Date Title Author Class Job/editor 01/10/76 Sunrise series various Art:Arts & crafts Rewriting /BMi 30/03/77 Hearts:intro M.M.&Dunbar Art:Arts & crafts Rewriting /BMi 30/03/77 Don't Follow Me Smith, R. Fictn:music,populr Editl report /BMi 30/03/77 1916 Smithson, A Fictn:World War I Copy-editing /BMi 30/03/77 1916 Smithson, A Fictn:World War I Copywriting /BMi 14/11/77 Alabama 40 Years On Cannon, P. History: social Read/report /TMa Susan Mears Literary agent for whom MNE worked editorially in 1997. Function: screen editing Address: The Old Church, Monkton Deverell, Warminster, Wilts BA12 7EX Tel: (UK) 01985 844716 Tel: (UK) 01985 844716 Status: independent Contact: SMe = Susan Mears Date Title Author Class Job/editor 02/12/97 Myth Kingsley, M Fiction: fantasy Editg on disc /SMe Vivek Mehra Author of Selfless Love, a novel about relationships formed in Internet chat rooms, which MNE edited in 2000. Bad debtor. Function: screen editing Address: Mehra Estate, L.B.S. Road, Vikhroli (w), Mumbai 400 079, India Email: Status: author Contact: Vivek Mehra (bad debtor) Date Title Author Class Job/editor 30/10/00 Selfless Love Mehra, V. General fiction Editg on disc Zeynep Mendi Author of Angela of Venice, a historical romance set in 15th century Ottoman Empire. Function: editing, rewriting Date Title Author Class Job/editor 11/07/13 Angela of Venice Mendi, Z. Fiction:historical Editing/rewriting Jonathan Mensah AAuthor of Understanding Social Phenomena as Culturally Embedded. Function: editing, rewriting Date Title Author Class Job/editor 05/05/14 UnderstandingSocial Mensah, J. Psychology Editing/rewriting Dr Anne Merriman, MBE Dr Anne Merriman, founder of Hospice Africa Uganda (HAU), is author of the memoir and story of HAU, Following the Light. Function: screen editing, consultancy, preparation for publication Address: PO Box 7757, Kampala, Uganda Date Title Author Class Job/editor 09/10/09 Following the Light Merriman, A. Medicine/memoir Editing Methuen Publisher of general fiction and non-fiction (now publishes only humour, fiction, music, arts and drama) for whom MNE worked editorially from 1979 to 1989. Functions: copy-editing, indexing, proofreading, reading/editorial reports Address: Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London SW3 6RB Tel: (UK) 0171-581 9393 Fax: (UK) 0171-225 9095 Status: imprint of Reed International Books Contacts: AAs = Anne Askwith ABe = Alex Bennion BWo = Bob Woodings CGa = Cathryn Game ELi = Elsbeth Linder LBr = Linda Brandon LHo = Liz Hornby Date Title Author Class Job/editor 29/11/79 Drowning of Canute Burton, R. Fictn:historical Read/report /BWo 06/12/79 Another Weepg Woman Zochert, D. Fictn:crime/myster Read/report /BWo 07/02/80 Blowout Cook/Wilson Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /BWo 08/03/80 Seward's Folly Lancaster,G Fictn:nautical Copy-editing /ELi 28/03/80 From Fringe to F.Cs Wilmut, R. Art:comedy Proofreading /CGa 07/04/80 Penny Links Holden, U. Fictn:provincial Copy-editing /ELi 16/04/80 Dharma Expedient Sarony, N. Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /BWo 16/04/80 On Leaving Paradise Hercules, F Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /BWo 25/05/80 Visitation,The Stone, E. Fictn:horror/occlt Read/report /BWo 03/06/80 Days Seemed Longer Plomley, R. Art:radio Proofreading /CGa 05/06/80 Lurcher Goes to War Summers, G. Animals Read/report /BWo 12/06/80 Archers:lst 30 Yrs Smethurst # Fictn:soap Proofreading /ELi 17/06/80 From Fringe to F.Cs Wilmut,R Art:comedy Indexing/CGa 23/06/80 Love in Code McCormick Gardening Proofreading /CGa 09/08/80 Death's Pale Horse Sherburne,J Fictn:racing Read/report /BWo 06/09/80 Bad April,A Ross,A Fictn:gen/literary Read/report /BWo 29/09/80 Hawk of May Bradshaw, G Fictn:romantic Proofreading /ELi 28/11/80 Bikini Red North Barling, T. Fictn:thriller Copy-editing /ELi 11/02/81 One and Last Love Braine,John Fictn:psychologicl Proofreading /ELi 30/04/81 Hope,Bob: Superstar Thompson,C Art:film biography Indexing/CGa 07/05/82 Mumblesby Watson,C Fictn:provincial Copy-editing /ELi 29/05/82 Perons,The Pitt,I Politics:biography Copy-editing /ELi 16/06/82 Savage Arena Tasker,J Sport:mountaineerg Indexing/LHo 24/01/83 How 2 B Computerate unid Computing Proofreading /CGa 24/01/83 How 2 B Computerate unid Computing Indexing/CGa 04/02/83 Paradise Raped Mancham,J R Politics:biography Indexing/CGa 08/03/83 Footlights Hewison, R Art:comedy Indexing/AAs 17/07/83 Survive Money Probs Whitehorn,K Economics:finance Indexing/AAs 25/06/84 Words and Music Ray,R Art:music,classicl Indexing/ABe 31/07/84 Taking Off unid Humour Indexing/AAs 20/08/84 Crime Inc [Mafia] unid # Crime:biog/true Indexing/ABe 22/11/84 Chaucer's Knight Jones, T. Literature:studies Indexing/AAs 08/05/85 For Valour [VC] Percival Military: history Indexing/ABe 29/05/86 Queen & Commonwealt McDonald Royalty Indexing/ABe 11/09/86 End of the Street Malvern,L Media Indexing/ABe 24/02/88 Treatment Handbook MacGregor,R Medicine Indexing/ABe 09/05/89 Churchill Playwrigh Cousin, G. Literature:drama Indexing/LBr Methuen Children's Books Publisher of books for children for whom MNE worked editorially in 1987 Function: reading (producing editorial report) Address: Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London SW3 6RB Tel: (UK) 0171-581 9393 Fax: (UK) 0171-823 9406 Status: imprint of Reed Books, division of Reed International Books Contact: RCa = Rosemary Canter Date Title Author Class Job/editor 31/07/87 Bailey's Window Lindbergh,A Fictn:children's Read/report /RCa Methuen Co. (Academic) Publisher of academic non-fiction books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1983 to 1985 Functions: checking cross references, proofreading Address: 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE Tel: (UK) 0171-583 9855 Fax: (UK) 0171-842 2298 Status: now incorporated into Routledge Contacts: BDe = Belinda Dearbergh JAr = Jane Armstrong LCa = Linda Casbalt MAK = Mary Ann Kernan MCu = Mary Cusack Date Title Author Class Job/editor 10/07/83 Greek World 479-323 Hornblower Archaeology Proofreading /MCu 14/09/83 educational catalog Methuen & C Catalogue Proofreading /LCa 03/10/83 Teacher Trg unid Education:theory Proofreading /MCu 10/11/83 Elements of Banking Perry Economics:finance Proofreading /BDe 11/11/83 psychology catalogu Methuen &Co Psychology Proofreading /LCa 19/01/84 Changing Subject Henriques e Education:theory Cross refs /MAK 19/01/84 Changing Subject Henriques e Education:theory Proofreading /MAK 26/02/85 Sociology & School unid Sociology:soc.stud Proofreading /JAr Metro Books Publisher of non-fiction books (popular psychology, childcare, self-help, health, cookery, travel, leisure, biography, autobiography) for whom MNE worked editorially in 1999. Bad debtor. Functions: indexing Address: 19 Gerrard Street, London W1V 7LA Tel: (UK) 0171-734 1411 Fax: (UK) 0171-734 1811 Email: Status: independent/liquidated Contacts: MRe = Mary Remnant Date Title Author Class Job/editor 05/07/99 What Are 7 Wonders d'Epiro Encyclopaedias Indexing/MRe 21/07/99 Stress Beaters Henderson,R Self-help Indexing/MRe Marcus Miele Marcus Miele is the author of the economics dissertation: The Quest for the Superlative Approach in the Debate of the Differentials between Stakeholder Values versus Shareholder Values Functions: editing Date Title Author Class Job/editor 01/05/08 Dissertation Miele, M. Economics Editing Mirror Books Publisher of paperback popular fiction and non-fiction books and also of publications related to the Daily Mirror for whom MNE worked editorially from 1978 to 1983. Functions: copy-editing, copywriting jacket blurbs, catalogue copy etc., indexing, picture caption writing, oicture research, proofreading, reading/editorial reports, research, rewriting, writing texts Address: London EC2 Status: defunct Contacts: AFi = Anthony Finn MGl = Mike Glover Date Title Author Class Job/editor 08/05/78 Crossroads:Bks 1-4 Hulke, M. # Fictn:soap Read/report /MGl 14/05/78 Sexton Blake & D.Gd Garforth, J Fictn:adventure Copywriting /MGl 03/06/78 Joyce McKinney Delano, T. Crime:biog/true Proofreading /MGl 26/06/78 Sexton Blake & D.Gd Garforth, J Fictn:adventure Copy-editing /MGl 11/07/78 Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Art:dram.biography Read/report /MGl 18/07/78 Sexton Blake & D.Gd Garforth, J Fictn:adventure Proofreading /MGl 19/07/78 Lone Rangers Books PinnacleBks Fictn:Western Read/report /MGl 19/07/78 Roy of Rovers Quizb unid Games: quiz Proofreading /MGl 05/09/78 Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Crime:biog/true Copy-editing /MGl 05/09/78 Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Crime:biog/true Proofreading /MGl 29/09/78 You Will Get This S Skilleter Fictn:London-based Read/report /MGl 30/10/78 Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Art:dram.biography Copy-editing /MGl 30/10/78 Well,I'm Blessed Adamson, P. Art:dram.biography Proofreading /MGl 30/10/78 Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Art:entertainment Read/report /MGl 30/10/78 It's a Funny Game Johnston, B Sport:cricket Read/report /MGl 30/10/78 North Wall Hubank, R. Fictn:adventure Read/report /MGl 30/10/78 Crossroads:Family A Miles, K. # Fictn:soap Copy-editing /MGl 30/10/78 Crossroads:Family A Miles, K. # Fictn:soap Proofreading /MGl 30/10/78 Young Gymnasts,The unid Sport:miscellan. Read/report /MGl 31/10/78 Softly Through Sand Michael, L. Fictn:thriller Read/report /MGl 19/12/78 occult titles (13) Holzer, H. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 29/01/79 Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Art:entertainment Rewriting /MGl 26/02/79 Laboratory Detects. Lucas, N. Crime:biog/true Read/report /MGl 26/02/79 Destinies Baen, J. ed Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 26/02/79 Magic Goes Away,The Niven, L. Fictn:sci.fantasy Read/report /MGl 26/02/79 Ghosts and Haunting Bardens, D. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 26/02/79 Hatches,Matches & D unidentifd Unidentified Read/report /MGl 30/04/79 Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Art:entertainment Copy-editing /MGl 30/04/79 Sex Killers,The Lucas, N. Crime:biog/true Read/report /MGl 30/04/79 Who's a Pretty Boy? unidentifd Unidentified Read/report /MGl 31/05/79 Emperor of Soho Humphries,J Crime:organized Rewriting /MGl 31/05/79 Farewell Leic.Sq. Hollis, H. Art:entertainment Copy-editing /MGl 31/05/79 Brogan O'Hara, G. Fictn:racing Copy-editing /MGl 31/05/79 Brogan O'Hara, G. Fictn:racing Proofreading /MGl 10/08/79 Yo Yo Man,The Maynard, B. Art:dram.biography Read/report /MGl 10/08/79 Emperor of Soho Humphries,J Crime:organized Copy-editing /MGl 10/08/79 Monster Butler,The Lucas, N. Crime:biog/true Copy-editing /MGl 10/08/79 Brogan Swets It Out O'Hara, G. Fictn:racing Read/report /MGl 10/08/79 Chessboard Pyke, A. Fictn:thriller Read/report /MGl 10/08/79 Green Side Up Parker, C. Humour Read/report /MGl 10/08/79 Sling Your Hook Parker, C. Humour Read/report /MGl 04/10/79 Lucan Mystery,The Lucas, N. Crime:biog/true Editl report /MGl 04/10/79 Dan Archer:Ambridge Miles, K. Fictn:soap Read/report /MGl 08/10/79 Almost an Autobiog. Davis, C. # Art:entertainment Editl report /MGl 22/10/79 Star Ghosts Holzer, H. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Reynolds, Burt unid Art:film biography Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Bloody Wednesday Harrison, J Crime:biog/true Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Brogan Swets It Out O'Hara, G. Fictn:racing Editl report /MGl 02/11/79 Some of My Best Fr. Holzer, H. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Occult:An Anthology Holzer, H. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Superseduction Holzer, H. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Pagans & Witchcraft Holzer, H. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 02/11/79 Pigeon racing various Sport:miscellan. Research /MGl 21/11/79 Hons of War & Peace Tute, W. Fictn:nautical Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Leviathan Tute, W. Fictn:nautical Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Black Lion,The Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Fiends Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Man Who Came Back Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Phantom 10 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Phantom 11 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Softly by Moonlight Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Spectre of Darkness Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Supernatural St. 41 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Supernatural St. 93 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Supernatural St.101 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Supernatural St.105 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Suspension Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Waiting World,The Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Alien Ones,The Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Beyond Bar.of Space Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Galaxy Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Space Fury Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Time Echo Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Unconfined,The Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Walk through Tomorr Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Watching World,The Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 various:research on Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Research /MGl 21/11/79 In the Beginning Fanthorpe,L Fictn:sci.fiction Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Cairo Sleeper Tute, W. Fictn:spy Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Matter of Diplomacy Tute, W. Fictn:spy Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 Resident,The Tute, W. Fictn:spy Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 various:general rep Tute, W. Fictn:spy Read/report /MGl 21/11/79 various:research on Tute, W. Fictn:spy Research /MGl 30/11/79 Truly Bizarre Priestley Children's books Read/report /MGl 30/11/79 Book of Self-Knowl. Batchelor Esoteric:spiritual Read/report /MGl 30/11/79 Lost Surv.of Deluge Hassler,von Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 30/11/79 Science Fact George ed Science Read/report /MGl 30/11/79 Take Me I'm Yours Owens, T. Health:fitness Editl report /MGl 30/11/79 Bk of Sports Quotes Green/Atyeo Quotes dictionary Read/report /MGl 31/03/80 Car Faults: com.stp Chancerel DIY Proofreading /AFi 31/03/80 Deep Freeze:com.stp Chancerel Cookery Proofreading /AFi 31/03/80 Tennis: com.stp Chancerel Sport:tennis Proofreading /AFi 31/03/80 Yoga: com.stp Chancerel Health:alternative Proofreading /AFi 03/09/80 Almost an Autobiog. Davis, C. Art:entertainment Copy-editing /MGl 03/09/80 Almost an Autobiog. Davis, C. Art:entertainment Copywriting /MGl 04/09/80 Mirror Racing Comp. Rodney,B Sport:racing:horse Editl report /MGl 08/10/80 Mirror Racing Comp. Rodney,B Sport:racing:horse Copy-editing /MGl 08/10/80 Mirror Racing Comp. Rodney,B Sport:racing:horse Proofreading /MGl 15/10/80 Mirror Racing Comp. Rodney,B Sport:racing:horse Rewriting /MGl 27/11/80 Telling the Future Darlinda Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 12/12/80 Slimrs Gde to Healt Hopkirk,J Health:diet Proofreading /MGl 13/12/80 John Lennon Tribute Mirror spec Art:music, popular Copy-editing /MGl 26/01/81 Mirror Calorie Gde Mirror spec Health:diet Proofreading /MGl 26/01/81 Festival of Britain Mirror spec History: social Copy-editing /MGl 26/01/81 Blitz,The:facsimile Mirror spec History: WWII Copy-editing /MGl 05/02/81 Mirror Racing Comp. Rodney, B. Sport:racing:horse Proofreading /MGl 15/02/81 Hamilton, David Hamilton,D Art:entertainment Editl report /MGl 15/02/81 True Mag.Astrology True Mag. Esoteric:occult Read/report /MGl 31/03/81 Crossroads:Fam.Affr Miles, K. # Fictn:soap Proofreading /MGl 06/04/81 Modern Slavery Fossey,R WWII: biography Read/report /MGl 28/04/81 World of Waite Mirror spec Humour Pict.captions/AFi 04/06/81 Return from th Wild Warren,J Animals Read/report /MGl 04/06/81 Crossroads:Fam.Affr Miles, K. # Fictn:soap Proofreading /MGl 09/06/81 Holiday Mirror Tourist Bd Leisure Proofreading /MGl 15/06/81 Holiday Mirror Tourist Bd Leisure Proofreading /AFi 15/06/81 Royalty spec.issue Mirror spec Royalty Research /MGl 20/06/81 1930s spec. issue Mirror spec History: social Research /MGl 11/09/81 Motoring Mirror Mirror spec Transport: cars Copy-editing /AFi 11/09/81 Pearl Harbor:facsim Mirror spec WWII: souvenir Pic.research /AFi 11/09/81 Tobruk:facsimile ed Mirror spec WWII: souvenir Pic.research /AFi 31/01/82 Racing Mirror Racing Mirr Sport:racing:horse Copy-editing /AFi 05/03/82 edit.assist.01/3/82 Mirror list Paperbacks/magazin Editl assist./MGl 19/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Pic.research /MGl 19/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Copy-editing /MGl 19/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Proofreading /MGl 19/03/82 Pope John Paul II Mirror spec Theology:Christian Proofreading /MGl 24/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Proofreading /MGl 24/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Pict.captions/MGl 26/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Proofreading /MGl 26/03/82 Taylor, Elizabeth Zec,D Art:film biography Pict.captions/MGl 27/04/82 thirteen novels Thomas,L Fictn:provincial Read/report /MGl 06/07/82 Beatles 62-3 Barrow,T Art:music, popular Copy-editing /MGl 26/07/82 edit.assist.23/7/82 Mirror list Paperbacks/magazin Editl assist./AFi 09/04/83 Fair Deal in Bettng Racing Mirr Sport:racing:horse Proofreading /AFi 15/04/83 Fair Deal in Bettng Racing Mirr Sport:racing:horse Proofreading /AFi 05/05/83 Dusk to Dawn Patrol Cooper,B Fictn:World War II Read/report /MGl 01/07/83 Beatles/Stones cal. Mirror spec Art:music, popular Text creation/MGl Mitchell Beazley Publisher of illustrated books for whom MNE worked editorially from 1987. Functions: copy-editing, indexing, proofreading, Americanization Address: Michelin House, 81 Fulham Road, London SW3 6RB Tel: (UK) 0171-581 9393 Fax: (UK) 0171-225 9458 Status: imprint of Reed International Books Contacts: AFr = Alison Franks BSa = Bob Saxton CGa = Chloe Garrow DTJ = David Townsend-Jones FGe = Frances Gertler JGo = Julia Gorton SPo = Sarah Polden SRy = Simon Ryder Date Title Author Class Job/editor 04/10/87 Amex Guide: Venice Hale, S Travel:Italy Galley proofs/AFr 28/04/88 Vertical Gardening Unid Gardening Proofreading /BSa 24/05/88 Vertical Gardening Unid Gardening Proofreading /BSa 25/05/88 Medium-Format Manua Mitchel Bea Photography/video Galley proofs/BSa 04/06/88 Medium-Format Manua Freeman, M. Photography/video Americanising/SRy 07/06/88 Vertical Gardening Mitchell Be Gardening Proofreading /BSa 13/06/88 Curtain Book, The Mitchell B Style: decor Proofreading /BSa 15/06/88 Curtain Book, The Mitchell B. Style: decor Proofreading /BSa 22/06/88 Paris Amex Guide McIntosh, C Travel:France Proofreading /DTJ 26/06/88 London, Amex Guide Jackson, M Travel:Britain Proofreading /DTJ 02/11/88 20th C.Warfare (1) Frankland e Military: 20th-c Copy-editing /JGo 09/12/88 20th C.Warfare(2&3) Frankland e Military: 20th-c Copy-editing /JGo 21/12/88 20th C.Warfare (4) Frankland e Military: 20th-c Copy-editing /JGo 20/02/89 Period Style unid Art:Arts & crafts 2nd proofread/BSa 28/02/89 Introd to Antiques Unid Art:Arts & crafts Galley proofs/FGe 04/04/89 Stained Glass Not given Art:Arts & crafts Proofreading /BSa 12/04/89 Intro. to Antiques Mitchell B. Art:Arts & crafts Galley proofs/FGe 09/10/89 Gardening Unid Gardening Galley proofs/BSa 16/10/89 Good Age, A Comfort, A. Health:fitness Galley proofs/BSa 18/10/89 Papier Mache Unid Art:Arts & crafts Proofreading /BSa 19/10/89 Gardening in Time 1 Unid Gardening Galley proofs/BSa 15/11/89 Gardening in Time 2 Unid Gardening Galley proofs/BSa 18/11/89 Gardening in Time 3 goisset, C. Gardening Galley proofs/BSa 04/12/89 Garden Structures Wiles, R. Gardening Galley proofs/BSa 06/12/89 Gardening in Time 4 goisset, C. Gardening Proofreading /BSa 19/12/89 Gardening in Time 5 Boisset, C. Gardening Proofreading /BSa 22/12/89 Gardening in Time 6 Boisset, C. Gardening Index revisng/BSa 14/01/90 Garden Structures 1 Wiles, R. Gardening Proofreading /BSa 18/01/90 Garden Structures 2 Wiles, R. Gardening Proofreading /BSa 20/01/90 Container Gardening Unid Gardening Proofreading /BSa 23/01/90 Container Gardg. 2 unid Gardening Proofreading /BSa 24/01/90 Container Gardg. 3 unid Gardening Galley proofs/BSa 30/04/90 Vegetables: rev.ed. Biggs, T. Gardening Proofreading /BSa 08/05/90 Plant Propagation Browse,P.M. Gardening Proofreading /BSa 09/05/90 Gardening Technique Titchmarsh, Gardening Proofreading /BSa 19/07/90 Pocket Guide t Beer Mitchell B Cookery Galley proofs/AFr 20/01/91 Elements of Style multi Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 26/01/91 Elements of Style 2 multi Architect. design Proofreading /SPo 25/02/91 Elements of Style 3 Contributed Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 19/03/91 Elements of Style 4 Contributed Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 11/04/91 Elements of Style 5 Contributed Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 15/04/91 Elements of Style 6 Contributed Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 29/04/91 Elements of Style 7 Contributed Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 08/05/91 Elements of Style 8 Contributed Architect. design Galley proofs/SPo 16/03/00 London Property Gde Segrave, C. Property guide Proofreading /CGa Helen Monteiro Helen Monteiro is author of a PhD thesis on The Directions Taken by Young People on Leaving Compulsory Education: A study in two Birmingham schools (The University of Aston in Birmingham), edited by MNE in 2003. Functions: editing Address: 24a Grosvenor Road, Hanwell, London W7 2HJ Tel: 0780 3721681 Email: Status: academic Contact: Helen Monteiro Date Title Author Class Job/editor 31/03/03 PhD Thesis Monteiro, H social studies Editing Leah Mooney Author of fantasy novel, Mind the Gap Functions: editing, rewriting Email: Status: writer Date Title Author Class Job/editor 20/04/06 Mind the Gap Mooney,L. Fiction: sf Editing, rewriting Sean Mooney Japanese-based advertising executive for whom MNE worked editorially from 1998 to 1999 via the Internet. Functions: rewriting Address: Homes 30 (A-3-31), 70 Higashi Kawashima-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-0041, Japan Tel: (Japan) +81-3 3278-4994 Fax: (Japan) +81-3 3278-4999 Email: Status: writer Contact: Sean Mooney Date Title Author Class Job/editorr 07/12/98 Secrets of Japanese Advertising SMo Marketing Rewriting Nina Moore Client for whom MNE produced a new edition of Aesop's Fables in 2017 and edited a collection of inspirational texts (The Lost Wisdom Property Office) in 2018. Functions: editing, proofreading, cover creation, typesetting Status: client Contact: Nina Moore Date Title Author Class Job/editor 21/11/17 Aesop's Fables Aesop Fables Book creation 22/10/19 Lost Wisdom Property Office Inspirational Editing, book creation 10/12/21 Magic&PowerEmot.Int.Braun, Y. Inspirational Editing, book creation Peter Moore Author of The Curse of Adolf Hitler's Pocket Watch. Functions: editing, proofreading, cover creation, typesetting Status: author Contact: Peter Moore Date Title Author Class Job/editor 29/11/11 Curse of A.Hitler's Moore,Peter Fiction: Thriller Copy-editing etc. Morgan-Grampian Business Information Services Publisher of business directories for whom MNE worked editorially from 1983 to 1988. Functions: copy-editing, paste-up creation, proofreading, text creation Address: Royal Sovereign House, 40 Beresford Street, SE18 6BQ Tel: (UK) 0181-8557777 Fax: (UK) 0181-316 0512 Status: independent Contacts: ILa = Ian Laurie JDo = Jane Doyle JRo = James Robertson PBr = Phil Brown Date Title Author Class Job/editor 19/07/83 DEIC 84 Morgan Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 28/07/83 TTD 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 01/08/83 DEIC 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 05/08/83 TTD 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 09/08/83 TTD 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 09/08/83 DEIC 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 14/09/83 LID 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 21/09/83 DEIC 84 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 14/05/84 EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 01/06/84 EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 19/06/84 TTD:Car & Coach 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 20/06/84 TTD Car/Green pages Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 16/07/84 EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 25/07/84 AMD 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 26/07/84 EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 18/08/84 EBG 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 05/09/84 DEIC 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 30/09/84 DEIC 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 07/10/84 DEIC 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 24/10/84 PED/LED 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 28/10/84 PED 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 11/11/84 PED 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 21/11/84 AMD/EIC 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 26/11/84 DEIC Diary 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 09/12/84 DEIC 85 Buyers Guid Morgan Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 10/01/85 directories 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 20/01/85 LED Diary/Lists 85 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 16/04/85 EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 02/05/85 EBG 86 [Batch 1] Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 03/05/85 EBG 86 [Batch 2] Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 13/05/85 EBG 86 [Batch 3&4] Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 17/05/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 26/05/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 09/06/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 13/06/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 18/06/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 19/06/85 EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 11/07/85 EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 28/07/85 EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 18/08/85 EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 06/09/85 EBG 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 16/09/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 17/09/85 Exhibition Bulletin Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 27/09/85 LED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 30/09/85 DEIC 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 30/09/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 20/10/85 TTD 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JRo 23/10/85 PED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JRo 26/10/85 PED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 04/11/85 PED/LED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 25/11/85 LED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JDo 25/11/85 PED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 02/12/85 LED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JDo 06/12/85 PED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JDo 27/12/85 LED 86 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JDo 27/03/86 EBG 87 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 31/03/86 EBG 87 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 15/05/86 EBG 87 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 06/06/86 EBG 87/Exhib.Bullet Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 28/10/86 PED 87 Morgan-Gram Directory Copy-editing /JDo 16/11/86 PED 87 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JDo 25/06/87 Diary of Events 88 Morgan-Gram Business:computers Text creation/JDo 07/07/87 TTD Batch 1 Morgan Gram Directory Proofreading /ILa 16/07/87 TTD: Batch 2 Morgan Gram Directory Proofreading /ILa 17/07/87 TTD: Batch 3 Morgan Gram Directory Proofreading /ILa 20/07/87 TTD: Batch 4 Morgan Gram Directory Proofreading /ILa 20/07/87 Maps:Airports/Ferry Morgan Gram Directory Copy-editing /ILa 24/07/87 TTD: Batch 5 Morgan Gram Directory Proofreading /ILa 05/09/87 Diary of Events Morgan-Gram Directory Pasteup creat/JDo 15/06/88 Diary of Events 89 Morgan-Gram Directory Pasteup creat/PBr 26/07/88 TTD 89 Morgan-Gram Directory Proofreading /JDo 06/10/88 LED Diary of Events Morgan-Gram Directory Pasteup creat/PBr MTIAD (Metapsisik Tetkikler ve Ilmi Arastirmalar Dernegi Iktisadi Isletmesi) MTIAD (Metapsisik Tetkikler ve Ilmi Arastirmalar Dernegi Iktisadi Isletmesi) is an Istanbul-based organisation responsible for translating Divine Order and Universe (ed. B. Ruhselman. Functions: editing, rewriting, cover creation, publication Address: Hasnun Galip sok. Pembe Çikmazi, No: 4/8, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey Date Title Author Class Job 07/11/13 Divine Order & Univ1 MTIAD Esoteric: spiritual Editing 19/01/14 Divine Order & Univ2 MTIAD Esoteric: spiritual Cover creation 07/11/13 Divine Order & Univ3 MTIAD Esoteric: spiritual Publication Frederick Muller Ltd Publisher of general fiction and non-fiction books for whom MNE worked editorially in 1983. Functions: proofreading Address: 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA Tel: (UK) 0171-973 9670 Fax: (UK) 0171-233 6129 Status: bought by Hutchinson which is now an imprint of Random House UK Ltd Contact: KCo = Katie Cohen Date Title Author Class Job/editor 14/04/83 Blackmailer,The Colegate, I Fictn:gen/literary Proofreading /KCo 21/04/83 Man of Power,A Colegate, I Fictn:gen/literary Proofreading /KCo 21/04/83 Great Occasion,The Colegate, I Fictn:gen/literary Proofreading /KCo Pete Murphy Fiction writer based in New Orleans. Function: editorial report and advice Address: 3616 Cypress St., Metairie, New Orleans, LA 70001, USA Tel: (US) 504-831-3514 Email: Status: writer Contact: Pete Murphy Date Title Author Class Job/editor 27/03/97 Salamanders Murphy, P. Fiction: American Editorial report 11/04/05 Salamanders Murphy, P. Fiction: American Synopsis Ian Murray Author of 'This Is My Beloved Son', a Christian theological work Function: editing Status: author Date Title Author Class Job/editor 14/04/07 This Is My Bel. Son Murray, I. Christianity Editing John Murray (Publishers) Ltd Publisher of general and educational books for whom MNE worked editorially in 1987. Function: proofreading Address: 50 Albemarle Street, London W1X 4BD Tel: (UK) 0171-493 4361 Fax: (UK) 0171-499 1792 Status: independent Contact: GMc = Grant McIntyre Date Title Author Class Job/editor 06/07/87 Tales from 2 Cities Murphy, D Sociology:soc.stud Proofreading /GMc 26/08/87 Simple Relaxation Mitchell,L Health:alternative Proofreading /GMc 14/09/87 In Distant Waters Woodman, R. Fictn:nautical Proofreading /GMc