BANMINES: The Internet Petition to Ban Lanmines Worldwide

Established 3 September 1997

Copyright © Latuff, 1999, drawn exclusively for BANMINES

Petition entries, page 1: 1997

1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2013 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015

Please note: date is in day-month-year format, e.g. 03-09-97 = 3 September 1997

  1. Martin Noble mart [at] | 28a Abberbury Rd,Oxford, UK

    03-09-97: 18:32:07: "Please support the campaign to ban landmines, whose continued existence is obscene and barbaric."

  2. Christine Hammersley 28a Abberbury Rd, Oxford, UK

    03-09-97: 18:36:42: "I wholeheartedly support the campaign to ban landmines."

  3. Talal Khalil Omar | PO Box 2713, Doha, Sudan

    03-09-97: 20:35:38: "Please stop manufacturing these killing, useless and scary mines. We had enough."

  4. Alastair Rosie | 25 Bayfield Rd, Bayswater N, Melbourne, Victoria, Aus.

    04-09-97: 05:03:30: "I agree, a ban on the sale and usage of these barbaric tools of war would be a reminder that Diana stood for more than what the paparrazi could ever have imagined. And would leave us with an everlasting monument to her memory."

  5. Ian Powling | 48 Devonshire Rd, Forest Hill, London SE23 3SU, UK

    04-09-97: 10:23:51: "I support the petition to ban landmines."

  6. Kate Hammersley 28a Abberbury Rd, Iffley, Oxford, UK

    04-09-97: 11:34:26: "I support this petition."

  7. Larry Peterson ideaplus@swbell | 8615 N. Baltimore, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

    05-09-97: 12:49:04: "I support this petition."

  8. Peter Robinson

    05-09-97: 16:39:13: "I wrote this piece in July, with the intention of sending it to the Princess of Wales, to use as she saw fit. Now that will not happen. In light of the recent tragic events I would like to dedicate this piece to her eternal memory. Maybe you can put this piece of work to some good use."

    They can be sown from the air, by hand or machine
    They can lie dormant for years - quite unseen
    They are safe until that fateful day
    When they explode and maim or take life away

    They are made in their millions by greedy souls
    Who care only about profit not peaceful goals
    They feign indifference about the product they sell
    But their time will come when they go to hell

    Stop making this weapon that maims and destroys
    Taking the life of adults, girls and boys
    We should all make a stand - now is the time
    To get together and outlaw the landmine.

    (c) Peter Robinson, July 1997

  9. Emily Bumble

    05-09-97: 16:49:44: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  10. Richard C. Bailey | 406 E Ohio St, Monticello, Indiana 47960, USA

    05-09-97: 17:11:52: "The terrible loss that landmines inflict on innocent victims extends the battles for which they were deployed far beyond the intent of warfare. Soldiers know and accept the risks these weapons pose. Civilians do not and should not."

  11. Kerrie Benhoff

    05-09-97: 17:21:52: "Please ban landmines for the sake of all humanity that would be senselessly harmed by them and in the memory of a true humanitarian whose personal messages are silenced, but whose grace lives on."

  12. Rana K. Williamson | 5708 Remington Cr. #2704, Ft. Worth, TX, USA

    05-09-97: 17:41:13: "No better memorial could be erected for Princess Diana than to ban this scourge from the planet. How can anybody defend use of landmines? That's like saying, 'Yeh, those flame throwers were bad, but we had to barbecue the little suckers for God and country!' I have a very straightforward theory on combat of any kind, physical or verbal, look'em in the eye and rely on your own strength. A landmine is just too much like back-shooting for my tastes. It's cowardly, pure and simple."

  13. Pete Murphy | 3616 Cypress St, Metairie, La., 70001, USA

    05-09-97: 18:42:38: "It's silly we've come to this: signing petitions to outlaw invisible weapons that will kill children long after the wars are over, won or lost. More correctly, we need to abolish the people who made these petitions necessary, install more "sanity"in the way we insist on killing each other. Landmines are for the zealots who like to kill, not for those who want to win wars."

  14. Florence Cardinal

    05-09-97: 19:08:44: "I believe all weapons of war are wrong. Human life should be preserved, not wantonly destroyed. And the worst weapons are those that are not visible. Germ warfare, sabotage and landmines would top my list of things to be banned."

  15. Michael J. Rice, III | PO Box 8781, Metairie, LA, 70011, USA

    05-09-97: 20:02:00: "I would suggest that this include authorization of every country in the United Nations to allow 3rd party inspections of suspected production plants and the immediate closure of any plants found to be in production - either by the local government or attack by UN forces. - Michael"

  16. Zerrin Hodgkins | 125 Pk Rd, London, UK

    05-09-97: 22:38:45: "The human intellect has proven useless to stamp out the use of deadly weapons. How about trying to listen to our hearts for a change. Diana would like that. ZH"

  17. Alison B. Stern | 7 King St, Croton, NY, USA

    05-09-97: 22:38:58: "It's my hope that from such a senseless death some good can come. It's only so sad to me that so much love and respect is expressed as a result of a tragedy. How beautiful the world would be if we could unite under more mundane circumstances."

  18. John W. Marcus | 111 Veterans Blvd. # 710, Metairie, LA 70005, USA

    05-09-97: 22:57:38: "I wholeheartedly agree."

  19. Richard Gould

    05-09-97: 23:34:56: "I agree that Landmines should be banned and a world wide effort be made to eliminate the ones that are in place."

  20. Clara Wong | 51-F Lorong H Telok Kurau, Singapore

    06-09-97: 01:14:01: "I support the ban of use and manufacture of landmines. It only bring miseries and put useful people to waste."

  21. Nigel Griffin

    06-09-97: 03:45:14: "I agree that anti-personnel landmines should be outlawed internationally with immediate effect and with no exceptions."

  22. Mark | NA, Sydney, NSW, Aus.

    06-09-97: 06:59:14: "Ban the landmine, a weapon of horror."

  23. Turgay Uykusuz | Buyuktur Yolu, Mavikent sitesi, D-Blok D/20, 81530-Idealtepe, Istanbul, Turkey

    06-09-97: 08:39:55: "She was an angel without wings but I think now she has got them."

  24. John Goes | GenDel, Mackenzie, BC, Canada

    06-09-97: 09:05:31: "End the use of landmines now!"

  25. Gulay Uykusuz | Buyuktur Yolu, Mavikent sitesi, D-Blok D/20, 81530-Idealtepe, Istanbul, Turkey

    06-09-97: 09:22:27: "Who has right to kill an innocent child or man because of those terrible landmines."

  26. Lisa Ann Yoder | 513 E. 30th St, Baltimore, MD, USA

    06-09-97: 09:32:00: "Is it necessary to produce weapons which will continue to kill long after the reasons for war are forgotten?"

  27. Ece Uykusuz | 1855/5 Sok. 14/3 F.Altay 35350, Izmir, Turkey

    06-09-97: 10:50:54: "Who does not support this action?"

  28. Dave Deady 5 Carmichael Way, Law Village, By Carluke, Lanarkshire, LM8 5RJ

    06-09-97: 14:11:28: "I support the late Diana Princess of Wales and the Red Cross in their aspiration to stop the production, distribution and use of landmines."

  29. Gail Betze | 1343 Shelbourne Dr., Bethlehem, PA, USA

    06-09-97: 14:22:06: "Please stop this senseless travesty!"

  30. Chérie Hoyle | Centre for Urban Ecology, 84 Halifax St, Adelaide, Tandanya Bioregion, S Aus., Aus.

    06-09-97: 15:39:07: "Goodbye Diana. People must no longer be afraid to show their compassion & humanity nor their determination to stop this evil manifestation of greed & inhumanity. This is a time of tears, but not a time for weakness. Use peace & strength to defy all who wish to continue the evil of anti-personnel mines."

  31. Mick Blair | 5/1 Ray St, Yorkeys Knob, Qld, Aus.

    06-09-97: 15:44:23: "I fully support any action to ban the use of landmines I believe that a world ban would be a fitting tribute to a woman who gave so much of herself for so many others without a voice."

  32. Paul F. Downton | Centre for Urban Ecology, 84 Halifax St, Adelaide, Tandanya Bioregion, S Aus.

    06-09-97: 16:03:55: "Diana has helped people to realise that it is possible to combat evil, and that by working together, good can triumph. What better triumph than to end this sickness of weapons designed to kill civilians?"

  33. Jennifer Jennings

    06-09-97: 16:07:18: "I support the ban on landmines"

  34. Evie Alaska, USA

    06-09-97: 16:19:39: "Please ban landmines stop the needless injuries and death."

  35. Nicki Hiday

    06-09-97: 17:07:44: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  36. Jen Burroughs

    06-09-97: 17:09:58: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  37. Niki | Saskatoon, Canada

    06-09-97: 17:49:31: "I send all my support to Princess Diana's children. Princess Diana was a loving woman who cared for everyone. We will all miss you Diana. We Love You!"

  38. Therese Bujold

    06-09-97: 17:49:53: "Yes, Ban the Landmines. We should continue Diana's plight!"

  39. Niki | Saskatoon, Canada

    06-09-97: 17:55:22: "I send all my support to Princess Diana's children. Princess Diana was a loving and a caring woman. She would never harm a living thing. We will all miss you Princess Diana. We Love You!"

  40. Ilana Kaplan-Shain | 3205 Otto Ln, Evanston, IL, USA

    06-09-97: 18:15:59: "I think landmines are horrible because people think they're safe and then they get blown up by a landmine."

  41. Eric Heisserer

    06-09-97: 19:06:22: "By banning landmines, we are all showing Diana we have just a little bit of her goodness in our hearts."

  42. Andrew Joseph

    06-09-97: 19:17:21: "Landmines are indiscriminate killers of young and old, male or female, but mostly noncombatants long after any war is over."

  43. Ricki Jones | 238 Fulton Av, Toronto, ONT, Canada

    06-09-97: 19:43:26: "I think it's wonderful that everyone is getting together to continue banning landmines, in Diana's behalf. It's such a tragic shame, that it takes a death before people listen. God bless you Diana, you're with the angels. Our love and thoughts go to William and Harry."

  44. Lana | Slovenska 6, Zagreb, Croatia

    06-09-97: 21:29:23: "Ban the use of landmines! Now!"

  45. Paula Thomas | Rt 1 Box 12, Kennard, NE 68034, USA

    06-09-97: 21:42:52: "No words can express how I feel at this time. Goodbye English Rose."

  46. Darren Denton

    06-09-97: 22:40:32: "I support this effort as one of my best friends was killed by a landmine during Operation Dessert Storm."

  47. Anthony Pascucci

    06-09-97: 22:43:12: "We should let the death stop."

  48. Suzie Lawson | 7601 Wilkinson Blvd., Charlotte, N Carolina, USA

    06-09-97: 23:03:23: "I fully support ridding this world of landmines."

  49. Dave Deady 5 Carmichael Way, By Carluke, Lanarkshire, Scotland

    06-09-97: 23:19:27: "Diana offered a glimpse of our own potential goodness and love to others. Our problem is she tended to offer this goodness and love unconditionally. I wholeheartedly support the ban on the use of landmines. Eternal rest grant unto her ... Amen."

  50. Cindy Alabama, USA

    06-09-97: 23:53:51: "I wish to support Princess Diana's efforts on banning landmines. She was a good person trying to make a difference in this world. I wish to support Princess Diana's work even after her deat and get rid of landmines. Anything the princess supported I support. A good person trying to make a good effort."

  51. Deborah L Willard | RR#1, Trenton, ONT, Canada

    06-09-97: 00:32:30: "Princess Diana's causes will live on through the public support of millions who mourn her. Let her death not be in vain. Ban the use of Landmines forever."

  52. Peter Smith

    07-09-97: 00:35:43: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  53. Crystal Minor

    07-09-97: 01:31:23: "I agree that landmines should be banned!"

  54. Carol Thomas | 5049 Alvernoridge Dr, Cincinnati, OH, USA

    07-09-97: 02:15:43: Children shouldn't have their legs/limbs blown off just to go outside and play. The expense of prostheses shouldn't play a part in whether these children get them or not--Countries which manufacture, sell, purchase or use them should all bear the burden of treating these children."

  55. Connie Doig | 1817 Meadowbrook Dr., Killeen, TX, USA

    07-09-97: 02:52:39: "As the wife of a member of the bomb squad and particularly as a nursing student I wish to support this cause. It is my fervent hope that one day soon there will not be any need for a bomb tech to defuse these devices or any more death and dismemberment as a result of thier devastation. Thank you all who participate in this fight, and mostly to Princess Diana for bringing this issue to the forefront. You will not be forgotten!"

  56. Garrick Aden-Buie USA

    07-09-97: 02:54:30: "Landmines should be mined! Especially now, when the whole world is just wanting to give something back, something to show how we cared about Diana, now is the time to ban landmines and it should be done!"

  57. Suzanne Lebovit

    07-09-97: 03:02:11: "It was an idea that I supported with or without Diana."

  58. Jack Tanis | 614 Broome St, Fernandina Beach, Fl, US

    07-09-97: 04:04:14: "No truly civilised society can afford the diabolical luxury of unselective, indiscriminate destructive devices, tragedies waiting to occur, patiently biding their time until innocent life is claimed or maimed. From the tremendous, immediate force of the landmine to the slow, lingering torture of the leghold trap, these impersonal, infernal mechanisms ought be abolished everywhere and forever. The world would be a better place for it, and the world is much in need of being a better place than it now is."

  59. J.C. Lowe | USA

    07-09-97: 05:02:25: "As someone who is proud to be a soldier in the Army of the USA I have long been aware of the military utility of the anti-personnel landmine. But I am also aware that as a civilized society we must strive to make even the most inhumane of human endeavors - warfare - more humane. Consequently, I fully support any efforts to ban ALL landmines (anti-personnel or anti-vehicle). Their military utility is minor compared to the vast carnage they reap upon innocent civilians. Landmines should be added to the list of weapons that civilized nations should agree not to employ when they must resort to military action to solve their differences. An end to warfare of all kinds would be an ideal but it is fantasy at best. Nations will always wage war against each other. We can only demonstrate our civility and humanity under these circumstances by willfully choosing not to employ weapons and tactics that result in the unnecessary loss of human life. Landmines, because of their indiscriminate nature, are such a weapon and thus we must see to it that they are banned from future conflicts. Finally, I wish to offer my deepest condolences to the friends and family of Princess Diana and to all the British people."

  60. Cindy | Georgia, USA

    07-09-97: 07:32:12: "I do not agree with the use of landmines."

  61. Helen

    07-09-97: 08:44:40: "The use of landmines should be globally banned."

  62. Eddie B. Winslade | Innes St, Waimate, S Canterbury, NZ

    07-09-97: 09:46:31: "These so called 'Weapons' are indescriminately sown, chunks of deadly litter. They are laid by people who serve Governments, which care nothing for the consequences of their actions. Most will never ever have to be accountable."

  63. Beth L. Trimble, R.N. | R. D. #1 Box 305 Center Church Rd, Ellwood City, PA. 16117 - 962l, USA

    07-09-97: 11:53:14: "I fully support Diana's position and would like to see all buried landmines found and disarmed so that no further dectruction of human life would occur."

  64. Steve Haines | St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Aus.

    07-09-97: 12:10:05: "Ban all landmines and boycott those companies associated with their production."

  65. Sara Noble 14 Ardley Rd, Fewcott, nr Bicester, Oxon, UK

    07-09-97: 13:37:21: "I support this petition."

  66. Holly Williams

    07-09-97: 14:14:43: "Please ban the landmines."

  67. Jon Mcgugan

    07-09-97: 14:26:26: "I would like landmines to be banned."

  68. Ed Thrasher

    07-09-97: 14:40:32: "I agree wholeheartedly that landmines should be banned and are not an item associated with civilized people."

  69. Jerome Pascaris | 571 A Mt. Pleasant Rd, Toronto, ONT, Canada

    07-09-97: 14:48:36: "I support the work of Princess Diana and hope that all landmines will be fully and completely banned."

  70. Amber Malek

    07-09-97: 15:22:28: "I would like Diana's work to continue."

  71. Philip Wolsey

    07-09-97: 17:45:22: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  72. Catherine Paul | 6100 Bayliss Knoll Ct, Alexandria, Virginia, USA

    07-09-97: 19:19:10: "The world joined together in mourning a great humanitarian, Diana, Princess of Wales, someone who wasn't afraid of voicing her opinion or stepping into danger. In the same way we should unite to ban landmines, carrying on her good works and saving the innocents."

  73. Leigh Pendleton | 1919 E. Saunders St, Laredo, TX, USA

    07-09-97: 19:24:48: "Cease the landmines. Ban them. Just imagine the life threatened could be of yourself or your family. God put us on earth to propagate, not take lives. Love yourself and others. Save this wonderful world. In the name of God, dismantle all of this landmines and all other weapons that are hurting this world every day. Sincerely, Leigh Pendleton."

  74. Tom Carver | 324 Riley Dr. #3, Bloomington, IL, USA

    07-09-97: 19:31:48: "England's Rose was committed to this venture. We must all now committ ourselves to do what she started. It's long past time that landmines are banned. Ban The Mines. Farewell Princess, Fly Like the Angel you are."

  75. Stephen McDermott Windrush Close, Bicester, Oxon, UK

    07-09-97: 20:41:45: "I support this petition."

  76. Martha Diane Best | 5532 Adams Dr, The Colony, TX, USA

    07-09-97: 23:35:15: "Warfare itself is an atrocity the people of this world has inflicted upon itself. Let us begin the task of bringing peace and peace of mind back to our nations, by banning landmines. The horrific consequences they produce even after a war is "over"can not be tolerated. People should not have to live in fear of Mother Earth. God bless Diana, Princess of Wales."

  77. Robbie Houston | 6725 Anders Terrace, Springfield, Virginia, USA

    08-09-97: 00:07:44: "War is bad enough, but landmines continue the destruction of lives long after the war is won or lost. We cannot allow the innocents of this world be maimed just for playing, getting water or food or just walking down a road. We have outlawed poison gas which normally was used in war because it was inhumane ... how can we not also outlaw landmines!"

  78. Bina Robinson

    08-09-97: 02:06:45: "I found the length of time it took to get to signature place so long I almost quit. Busy."

  79. Candy Fl, USA

    08-09-97: 02:44:29: "A child intent on picking spring flowers for her mother / Stepped into the field of fragrant blossoms ... / A field of impending death / From a war relegated to the pages of her history text."

  80. Rachel Burnand | Isle of wight, UK

    08-09-97: 03:39:18: "I fully support the banning of all landmines."

  81. Doug Gehl

    08-09-97: 03:50:40: "I agree that landmines should be banned. The damage they inflict to innocent people is horrific!"

  82. Penni Richards | 1419 S. Madison, Spokane, WA, USA

    08-09-97: 06:41:35: "We must continue the efforts started by Princess Diana and work to eliminate landmines in every country of the world where they are located. I full support this campaign."

  83. Nik Holmes

    08-09-97: 11:01:46: "Landmines are an obscenity - BAN THEM!"

  84. Keyword Publishing Services Ltd | 40 Cambridge Rd, Barking, Essex, UK

    08-09-97: 11:25:35: "We would like to give our support to this worthy course, that Diana worked so hard for and may all her aims be achieved."

  85. Neal R. Noble

    08-09-97: 13:30:35: "It is time we stop killing the many to catch the few."

  86. Bobbi Loebs | Miami, Fl, USA

    08-09-97: 14:26:13: "We, as a world united, can lift the torch that Princess Diana has dropped, and carry it higher than she alone could have done. We can surgically remove the malignancy of ignorance by ridding the world of landmines and other sinister devices. Replace them with caring, kindness, patience and love. That was the lesson that Princess Diana taught the world. We will miss and love her ... always."

  87. Scott Mancino

    08-09-97: 14:50:13: "Yes, they should be banned"

  88. Jeff Meyer | 465 Harmony Rd, Jackson, NJ, USA

    08-09-97: 14:52:36: "Yes, ban all mines"

  89. Martin Wright

    08-09-97: 15:38:14: "Landmines must be banned"

  90. Bob Leonard | 303 Mount Pleasant, Thongsbridge, Huddersfield, HD7 2UA, UK

    08-09-97: 16:41:51: "tony blair suggests that making the uk a more compassionate country would be a fitting memorial to Diana's death. As the uk was recently one of the only countries in europe to refuse to stop trading in landmines, what better place to start"

  91. Sun Kim | 12571 42nd Av NE, Seattle, Wa 98125, USA

    08-09-97: 16:47:02: "We are faced with tragic loss, it is my hope that through her death we learn about our selves to make this a better world ... as she hoped. "

  92. Oludee

    08-09-97: 17:45:03: "It would be a shame to let all Diana's good work's come to nothing. The objective she fought for must be achieved without any political interference"

  93. Elizabeth J. Mart

    08-09-97: 17:46:44: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  94. Michael Dover | Shelby, N.C., USA

    08-09-97: 18:18:25: "In memory of Diana I have been in a tragic accident myself and was left paralyzed and I can imagine the pain and suffering of people that were killed and mangled by landmines all of the mines should be disposed of so people can walk with out the fear of triggering a mine and feel safe to walk freely again."

  95. Irene & Garth Jones

    08-09-97: 18:21:57: "We are most grateful for Diana's support of Canada's initiative in banning landmines."

  96. Elizabeth Morrison | 5627 Frigate Rd, Ladner, BC, Canada

    08-09-97: 18:34:16: "I can't think of any more worthy a cause nor any better way to pay tribute to a wonderful Princess."

  97. Angel Cerdan | Moscow State University, Chem. Dept., Laboratory of Organic atalysis, Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow 119899, Russian Federation

    08-09-97: 18:37:04: "I support the petition to ban landmines in memory of Diana"

  98. Pavel Mingalyov | Moscow State University, Chemical Department, Laboratory of Organic Catalysis, Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow 119899, Russian Federation

    08-09-97: 18:37:04: "I support the Petition to ban landmines in memory of Diana"

  99. S.K. Hemstrought | PO Box 146, Oxford, NY, USA

    08-09-97: 19:05:17: "Haven't we already created enough ways to kill one another over the course of history? "

  100. Oleg A. Shlyakhtin

    08-09-97: 19:13:09: "Let's stop it together "

  101. jeff chunn

    08-09-97: 19:16:36: "I agree."

  102. Jeremy McNeill | 305 Hotwell Rd, Bristol, BS8 4NQ, UK

    08-09-97: 19:21:31: "Banning landmines and clearing those already laid would be the best and most fitting tribute to the memory of Diana"

  103. Brenda Bramwell

    08-09-97: 19:28:17: "I honor of a great woman, I agree that landmines should be banned!"

  104. Elmer Ramirez Quiroz | Calle Jose Coronado, Urb. Fortis, Lima 13, Peru

    08-09-97: 20:22:23: "I am also want to do a petition to ban all the landmines. I want the peace in the world, not wars, more love, Mrs Diana Spencer was a woman beautiful, and she inspired love for all the people."

  105. Mary Ambler Oxford, UK

    08-09-97: 22:47:35: "Ban landmines now!"

  106. I.J. Harris

    08-09-97: 23:56:01: "Landmines are another example of man's inhumanity to man. They should be outlawed forever in the future."

  107. Bob Rawson | 6524,192nd Av.E., Sumner, WA, USA

    09-09-97: 00:20:20: "This is something, that sorry to say, would take 1000 Diana's to die before any Government or money making company of landmines would even think of quitting."

  108. Lynda Gianforte Mansfield

    09-09-97: 01:34:30: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  109. Wieland Kaphingst | 5026 Forest Rd, Lewiston NY 14092, USA

    09-09-97: 01:42:16: "Prophylaxis is the only way of healing this problem."

  110. Katie Chicago, Illinois, USA

    09-09-97: 03:59:43: "Princess Diana's death was just as tragic and needless as those who have lost their lives from the landmines ... don't let her efforts die, too. Ban the mines and stop the injuring and killing!"

  111. Brenda Lauer

    09-09-97: 04:00:21: "Please stop the use of landmines!"

  112. Michel Elst | 6/3-5 Mckern St, Campsie, Sydney, NSW, Aus.

    09-09-97: 04:54:51: "How much is a life worth? Ban them all, NOW!"

  113. Luis Aranguren | Avenida San Jose, Quinta Coronado, La Floresta, Caracas, Miranda, Venezuela

    09-09-97: 04:57:36: "Hurting others in any way,is hurting yourself."

  114. Tony Clunis, BSc, RN

    09-09-97: 09:29:34: "I strongly support the banning of landmines."

  115. Ian Gowans 8, Zwaluwenlaan, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium

    09-09-97: 10:21:38: "Yes, I feel the risk of maiming or killing the innocent outweighs the military value of landmines and that's why they should be abolished."

  116. Elizabeth Davies

    09-09-97: 10:39:15: "I agree that landmines should be banned and that noone should have to work for a living building weapons of destruction. Such occupations should be outlawed."

  117. A. Owen Hicks

    09-09-97: 12:42:01: "I agree that all landmines must be banned, and manufacture stopped"

  118. Paul Borzo

    09-09-97: 12:50:30: "Stop the landmines! What kind of barbarism are we promulgating here? Let's get real, get decent. Stop the landmines!"

  119. Quanta Mu | Baltimore, MD, USA

    09-09-97: 13:02:13: "BAN THEM"

  120. Mark Egbers

    09-09-97: 13:38:49: "I definitely agree that landmines should be banned."

  121. Serena Smith |

    09-09-97: 14:21:18: "This is a petition I strongly support. I can't see how such weapons can be justified."

  122. Kerry Brown | 2768 Marsala Ct, Woodbridge, VA, USA

    09-09-97: 14:39:42: "I think we should all do our parts to help make this world a better place to live. And carrying on Diana's work is one of the many things we can do for ourselves and for our future's. We shouldn't let her work go in vain! We just need to take the time and do for others, that need us. :) But in a selfless way!"

  123. Paul M. Dolan

    09-09-97: 16:01:32: "Finish the work She started!"

  124. Yiftach Levy | 12601 Matteson Av. #9, Los Angeles, 90066, CA, USA

    09-09-97: 17:31:59: "The success of this mission would indeed be a fitting tribute to this inspirational woman."

  125. Cindy Rayfield | 6334 First Av S, St Petersburg, FL, USA

    09-09-97: 19:51:30: "Great work and effort. Best thing to do is grant Diana's wishes. God Bless!"

  126. Nicki Thomas | 2460 Spring Rd. SW, Apt. I-83, Gainesville, GA 30504, USA

    09-09-97: 19:58:15: "I adamantly support the ban on landmines, which cause so many senseless deaths. Diana was a truly incredible lady, and she will be greatly missed!"

  127. Robin Shepherd

    09-09-97: 21:08:56: "Landmines should be banned. What a wonderful tribute to Diana if we succeed."

  128. Susan H. Hubbard

    09-09-97: 21:42:41: "Diana was a great human being. It is fitting that you honor her in this way. We must continue to keep her good works alive."

  129. Nancy B. Thompson

    09-09-97: 21:43:07: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you ... "

  130. Mark

    09-09-97: 23:59:30: "I agree that landmines should be banned"

  131. Virginia K. Barnes | PO Box 350730, Jacksonville, FL 32235, USA

    10-09-97: 00:29:50: "'Thou shalt not kill.'"

  132. Neyda E. DeJesus

    10-09-97: 00:55:21: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  133. Wayne Clifford

    10-09-97: 01:05:12: "I agree that landmines should be banned"

  134. Pat Ealam | Christchurch, NZ

    10-09-97: 01:15:25: "Hopefully we can stop the manufature and sale of these devices which only kill and maim innocents."

  135. Eva Schwartz | PO Box 3005, Norristown, PA 19422, USA

    10-09-97: 04:47:06: "If one thing Diana set out to do is accomplished, let it be that no further harm be done to others through the use of antipersonnel landmines"

  136. Mickey Doolan | 1311 1/2 S Harris Av, Independence, Missouri, USA

    10-09-97: 06:59:00: "Thanks for all the lives to be saved."

  137. Wanda Dawson

    10-09-97: 12:57:36: "In memory of diana Princess of Wales i agree landmines should be banned."

  138. Patricia Ann V. Cantero | 8/F Agustin Bldg. Emerald Av, Ortigas Center 1605, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines

    10-09-97: 13:44:31:

    "A gentle soul reaching out
    in love to others in need
    makes world of difference
    makes peace more than a pipe dream

    One gentle loving soul
    smiled at the world
    and the world is a better place

    Let her live on in a world
    that is safer for her outreach
    a world free from the plague
    of unnecessary pain.

  139. Daniel Schnurr | 39 Ward St, Amherst, MA 01002, USA

    10-09-97: 13:46:12: "I think the USA needs to get out in front on this issue and ignore the military establishment for once and do the right thing."

  140. Heather N. Parker

    10-09-97: 14:08:09: "Thank you for your efforts."

  141. Jacqueline Engle

    10-09-97: 15:00:34: "Please BAN landmines. Not only for the memory of Diana, but to avoid any future human loss, or disfiguration."

  142. Alberto Morales

    10-09-97: 16:02:56: "I agree that landmines should be banned immediately and that much should be done to remove the ones in the ground."

  143. Angela Gordon | 22a Tollington Pk, London, UK

    10-09-97: 16:07:53: "The only way forward and to do somthing for Diana which she would have truly appreciated is to have a total ban on landmines. Nothing else will sufficed not only should we do this for Dianas memory but for the people who have and still are suffering from the terrible consequences of the landmines."

  144. Dennis Brungardt | 3904 Windom St, Fort Collins, CO, USA

    10-09-97: 18:44:15: "The war is over. Stop killing innocent people."

  145. Holly Metz | 278 Monroe Dr #3, Mountain View, CA, USA

    10-09-97: 19:29:28: "Ban landmines"

  146. Rebecca Joppru | 59 Strong Av, Pittsfield, MA 01201, USA

    10-09-97: 19:32:58: "It's quite a shame that no one thought to do this while Princess Diana was alive, so that she could see for herself the attention she brought to the cause. What a wonderful lady, and what a terrible loss."

  147. Susan Locke

    10-09-97: 19:54:18: "I completely agree with the ban on all landmines. It is tragic to see what devistation they cause in the lives of innocent children."

  148. R.A. Bailey | 200 Rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels, Belgium

    10-09-97: 22:02:03: "An excellent initiative. I will do my best to ensure that as many sites as possible carry a link to yrs."

  149. Rachael Henderson | 485 Greathouse Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA

    10-09-97: 22:20:42: "I support banning landmines. Innocent people do not need to be hurt because of thoughtless people in our world. I pray every day for people to love one another and not be filled with so much hatred."

  150. Sharon Bell | Thetis Island, BC, Canada

    10-09-97: 23:32:38: "I regret that, as a result of ignoring tabloid media, I also neglected to learn about the many constructive and truly courageous efforts of Diana, Princess of Wales. Her death has affected me deeply. It seemed like she was finding her way at last. She would have been a powerful, positive influence in the world. I hope that her dedication to humanitarian deeds grows amongst us and we faithfully carry on her missions. Thank you for creating this petition--may the world respond."

  151. Saundra Corson 222 Portsmouth Gate, Waterloo, ON, Canada

    11-09-97: 03:52:27: "I recently watched Diana Documentary on landmines, I never realized that this was so common in those countries. I do not think any human should live with this kind of danger. Let us all join together to stop peoples lives from being destroyed."

  152. Susan Prattis

    11-09-97: 15:57:45: "Good luck."

  153. Mary Jane Maccardini

    11-09-97: 18:41:57: "I agree that landmines should be banned and urge the USA to sign on to any treaties that would accomplish this."

  154. Kristine Benham | 12018 Kristy Lane, Saratoga, CA, USA

    11-09-97: 18:57:09: "Please keep alive in the memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, that humankind is what we all possess even if we have nothing."

  155. Susan Burkhardt | 86 Orchard Knoll Dr, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45215, USA

    11-09-97: 20:14:42: "What is the point of a landmine?? I've seen them hundreds of times in military movies 'blowing' up the enemy. Why do they exist?? They are unnecessary and only cause destruction. For Diana, please ban landmines"

  156. Dana Lyn Wedel, MSN, RN, C, NP | 1175 59th St #7, Emeryville, CA, USA

    11-09-97: 22:21:42: "As a nurse practitioner, and nurse of 15 years I believe, all attempts at reducing the hidden dangers of landmines that kill innocent men, women and children in this world should be done as soon as possible."

  157. Chantal Boulanger

    12-09-97: 06:22:40: "I agree that landmines should be banned. "

  158. Meredith Morgenstern

    12-09-97: 13:32:21: "Landmines are the most disgusting part of war because they never go away."

  159. Traci Leigh Spencer | 1111 Edison Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

    12-09-97: 17:46:02: "Please ban all landmines as quickly as possible and save the innocent victims!"

  160. Keith Metz

    12-09-97: 19:23:25: "Yes, I do agree that all landmines should be banned."

  161. Linda Whitlow | 3555 S Pacific Hwy. #17, Medford, Oregon, USA

    12-09-97: 21:09:14: "Landmines do not target soldiers; they are indiscriminate; they kill mostly civilians, women and children. Groups and countries who continue their use are barbaric and should be cut off from civilized humans. Money always talks. Cut off their aid, their imports, ban their representatives from International organizations. Landmines are barbaric and it is inconceivable that anyone with sanity could plant one in the ground, knowing that they will probably kill or maime a civilian."

  162. Mrs. Kim Happel | PO Box 367, Grimesland, N Carolina, USA

    13-09-97: 00:19:38: "Please add my name to the petition. I am opposed to landmines."

  163. Kym Moore

    13-09-97: 15:29:09: "I agree that landmines should be banned worldwide. Let's end cynicism and honor our planet! Global Peace NOW!"

  164. Bear and Sherlock and Smoke and Ash | Fernandina Beach, Fl, USA

    13-09-97: 15:58:39: "Landmines kill animals, too. The fewer those who say 'Never mind' to this petition, the greater the prospects of the world being 'Never mined'!"

  165. Wayne Gibson

    13-09-97: 18:36:39: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  166. Sherry Burton Gleason

    13-09-97: 18:46:22: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  167. Laurie Graham

    13-09-97: 19:15:09: "I wish to pledge my support in the effort to ban internationally all manufacture and use of landmines."

  168. Leslie Height | Winter Pk, FL 327920, USA

    14-09-97: 01:40:44: "I thank you for this alert. I have been working on this very issue and I am awaiting replies from my senators. Please include our names to the petition."

  169. Cecilia Height | Winter Pk, FL 327920, USA

    14-09-97: 01:40:44: "Please add my name to the petition."

  170. Linda E. Garrett

    14-09-97: 05:00:28: "We must do what we can do. This can be stopped! My prayers that this petition will be viewed with compassion and reason by those who make these policies and actions, go with my signature to this petition."

  171. Kathy Marsh | 17009 Calusa Lane, Ormond Beach, FL, USA

    14-09-97: 15:48:12: "Don't exclude Korea!"

  172. Pat Davis | Canada

    15-09-97: 00:42:10: "I fully support the banning of all landmines ... "

  173. Mona Vanek | 1158 Hwy. 200, Noxon, Montana, USA

    15-09-97: 05:28:41: "The time is long past when mankind must stop producing any product of destruction to humans. Please stop manufacturing all landmines."

  174. Katarina N. Braun | Mexico City, Naucalpan, Mexico

    15-09-97: 05:32:11: "Not a comment but a question: what is the situtaion regarding mines at sea?"

  175. Patrick Farhart | 21 Amy St, Campsie, NSW, Aus.

    15-09-97: 08:00:13: "Ban landmines. How much is a life worth. DO IT NOW!"

  176. Wan Mohd. Zainuddin

    15-09-97: 12:10:33: "I, like many other people, believe that landmines could,should and must be banned and eliminated not only in waring countries but also worldwide. And I hope and believe should all the nations declare peace and not fight against each other,the world will finally reach a stop to wars."

  177. Keli Kinsella

    15-09-97: 14:04:43: "Please ban landmines, for the sake of the innocent people!"

  178. Lovenna B. Cadano | Manila, Philippines

    16-09-97: 08:50:59: "This is to express my support to the petition for banning the use of landmines. Landmines are not only destructive but they are extremely inhuman."

  179. John Curran 143 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1 X8UB, UK

    16-09-97: 09:15:33: "I absolutely support the petition to ban landmines."

  180. Tulip Noble 14 Ardley Rd, Fewcott, nr Bicester,Oxon, UK

    16-09-97: 11:37:42: "Please ban landmines. The real enemy is within ourselves."

  181. G.A. UK

    16-09-97: 14:23:09: "I support the petition to ban landmines."

  182. Nicola D'Ugo

    16-09-97: 21:21:33: "I agree that mines should be banned and people stop to make wars, use violence against innocent and harmless people"

  183. Marg | PO Box 132, Taylor, Pa. 18517, USA

    16-09-97: 22:49:36: "In memory of Princess Diana's unrelentless efforts for the poor/hunger/to ban the use of landmines, I sign this petition and hope to make the world a better place for all."

  184. Katrina Cajelo Luna | 86 A. Chioco St, BF Homes, Paranaque, Metro Manila, Philippines

    17-09-97: 07:27:55: "Please BAN all Landmines -- for the safety of our tomorrow."

  185. monica luna | 86 A. Chioco St, BF Homes, Paranaque, Metro Manila, Philippines

    17-09-97: 12:59:56: "Thank you very much for keeping the spirit of Diana alive. "

  186. Deborah Romanski | 1523 S. Sylvan #3, Grand Island, NE 68801, USA

    17-09-97: 18:28:24: "No more."

  187. Stephanie Romanski | 3113 W N Front #12, Grand Island, NE, USA

    17-09-97: 22:36:16: "Put an end to misery, stop the killing/maiming caused by these wretched devices. Memorialise Princess Diana and her causes this way."

  188. Mike Randazzo | 60 W Claiborne Sq, Chalmette, LA, USA

    17-09-97: 23:39:27: "Landmines may seem a good thing but having some of the friends I have that were wounded because of these things in a USELESS battle, I know first hand the devastation that they can bring to peoples lives. they need to be banned. "

  189. Kimberly Cunningham

    18-09-97: 16:03:35: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  190. Lynette Johnson

    18-09-97: 16:31:27: "Stop the killing of innocent people!"

  191. Jonathan Coates | 72A Pk St, Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1SN, S Wales, UK

    18-09-97: 17:13:48: "Ban landmines. What's the point in having them? They only cause the mindless destruction of (usually) innocent victims."

  192. Dominique Reynolds | 15 Beverley Rd, Tilehurst, Reading, Berks, UK

    18-09-97: 23:09:55: "STOP STOP STOP"

  193. Claudia Moore ken_moore_seekonk

    19-09-97: 02:32:23: "I hope this helps"

  194. Ben Coulthard 64 Annesley Rd, Iffley, Oxford OX4, UK

    19-09-97: 18:10:16: "After seeing what she showed us, how could anyone not support this campaign?"

  195. Helen Astra 64 Annesley Rd, Iffley, Oxford OX4, UK

    19-09-97: 18:12:47: "I would like to thank HRH Princess Diana for drawing this issue to the world's attention."

  196. Caroline Hamlin 50 Beaconsfield Rd, Barnet, London N11, UK

    19-09-97: 19:12:47: "I support this petition."

  197. David Fish 50 Beaconsfield Rd, Barnet, London N11, UK

    19-09-97: 19:16:13: "Let's get rid of landmines as soon as possible."

  198. Mitchell

    20-09-97: 01:05:56: "I agree that landmines should be banned!"

  199. Loravic Mendoza | 33 Freixas St BF Homes, Manila, Philippines

    20-09-97: 17:18:17: "Ban the landmines! How many people will have to die before anyone realizes that we are only adding more misery to our world by having these equipments of destruction! "

  200. L. Marzolf | Dallas, TX, USA

    21-09-97: 05:45:30: "If we banish evil, good will follow to take it's place. It only makes sense that we do not continue to destroy the one thing that people everywhere value --- LIFE."

  201. Dr Arnold L. & Mrs Maxine L. Tanis | Pediatric Associates, 4500 Sheridan St, Hollywood, Fl, US

    21-09-97: 23:14:12:

    "What a thing to find,
    Buried in the ground;
    Last thing on her mind,
    Last thing that she found."

  202. Eugene and Meta Lee

    22-09-97: 13:34:05: "We urge the banning of landmines."

  203. Mikhail Proskurnin Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

    22-09-97: 17:23:01: "I undoubtedly agree that all the weapon like landmines should be eliminated worldwide"

  204. Lauren Beresoff | 14 Broward Hall, Gainesville, Fl, USA

    22-09-97: 23:27:27: "I think this a terrible thing that can be stopped if the right steps are taken."

  205. William Shapiro | 81 Lenox Av, Albany, NY, USA

    22-09-97: 01:50:11: "Banning landmines is long overdue as a step toward a more civilized world."

  206. Paul Adams

    23-09-97: 22:11:19: "Landmines mutilate and disfigure needlessly the innocent. Ban them."

  207. Rebecca Stelter

    26-09-97: 04:45:48: "I agree that landmines should be banned"

  208. Bethany Dennis

    26-09-97: 17:51:16: "I agree that landmines should be banned"

  209. Lynda B. Naclerio | 2913 Fenton Av, Bronx, NY, USA

    27-09-97: 07:25:01: "I remember watching Diana on the evening news when she was visiting the victims of landmines, it was the first I had heard about her mission and tragically the last time I would see a news story about her until the day she and Dodi were taken away from this world. I hope that she is proud of the attention people have turned to the banning of landmines because of her and I hope that in some small way I have honored her memory and the memories of those slain by landmines by signing this. Peace ... "

  210. Olga M. Michel | 3125 S.W. 96th Av, Miami, FL 33165, USA.

    27-09-97: 17:01:15: "Enough innocent people have suffered and died, victims of landmines. They must be banned from our planet, forever!"

  211. Paul J. Michel | 3125 S.W. 96th Av, Miami, FL 33165, USA.

    27-09-97: 17:06:04: "Landmines kill the innocent. There is no place for them in a civilized planet."

  212. Georgia Guerra

    27-09-97: 19:35:27: "I agree that landmines should be banned. However only the law abiding citizens will comply with this request. How many of those do we have on this planet?"

  213. Susan M. Poetzl W232 S7650 Woodland LN., Big Bend, WI, USA

    27-09-97: 21:49:26: "I support your efforts in banning landmines. I am happy to add my name to your list of supporters."

  214. Peter Whitfield | 402-1385 Jules Poitras, Montreal, QC, Canada

    27-09-97: 22:45:38: "The so-called 'superpowers' of the world that have turned their collective backs on a renewed view of humanity should feel a sense of 'super shame' despite their self-righteous arrogance."

  215. Andre White' | 21 Diana Dr Apt #3, Downsview, ONT, Canada

    28-09-97: 00:46:55: "Things that cannot think cannot distiguish the difference between friend and foe. In short, even the Voracious Great White Shark feels out its prey before it strikes."

  216. Steven Moon | 21 Diana Dr Apt #3, Downsview, ONT, Canada

    28-09-97: 00:53:04: "May the names of those who oppose the mines outnumber the number claimed by the mindless mines that line our waters."

  217. Stephen FrettonStroud UK

    28-09-97: 17:14:20: "Landmines must be banned."

  218. Joan F. Reiss

    29-09-97: 15:05:06: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  219. David Davis Dulwich, London, UK

    29-09-97: 15:20:34: "Landmines must be banned now."

  220. Jeremy Bale | Aston Abbotts, Bucks, UK

    30-09-97: 00:40:04: "All landmines must be banned forthwith."

  221. Charles Noble Stanmore, Middx, UK

    01-10-97: 00:44:34: "I am in full support of this petition."

  222. Bradley D. Pettit | Box 903, Crane, TX, USA.

    01-10-97: 03:29:32: "Diana was using her popularity to good things. She died, and now it is up to us to carry on her wishes. I support this fully."

  223. L. Margo Tannenbaum

    01-10-97: 06:38:38: "I hope that landmines arenot only banned but immediately removed."

  224. Rita La Serra | 52 High St, Stoneham, MA, USA

    01-10-97: 14:35:08: "I feel that is no need for landmines. Too many suffer for the little that they actually give in protection."

  225. Arrielle Mathis 417 Vienna Circle, Fort Valley, Georgia, USA

    02-10-97: 22:40:41: "I think landmines should be eliminated. There is no war going on, therefore there is no use for them."

  226. Wubbo de Jong' | Bovenover 74, Amsterdam, Holland

    02-10-97: 23:44:51: "STOP!"

  227. Thomas Friedman | PO Box 5036, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403, USA

    02-10-97: 23:45:58: "Time to stop these atrocities now!"

  228. Nancie Campi | 4016 Walnut Blvd, Walnut Creek, CA, USA

    03-10-97: 05:59:01: "I deplore the use of landmines. It is an injustice to the poor and vulnerable peoples of the Third World who have and are suffering enough from the ravages of poverty and war. As a citizen of the US, I am ashamed that President Clinton has not signed the Treaty for the ban on landmines in Oslo. "

  229. Liana Forsythe

    03-10-97: 06:20:52: "I totally agree to banning landmines."

  230. Carole Bede

    03-10-97: 14:29:45: "Landmines have no place in any society claiming to be civilized."

  231. Katherine Kemp PO Box 1389, Henderson, NC, USA

    03-10-97: 18:37:02: "I think this cause is wonderful and that Princess Diana would have been so proud of the efforts you are making in her name to protect these people from the destruction of their own world. Everyone it seems has been sending flowers and things to the castle when she probably would have liked it more if the money used for that could have gone to one of the causes she supported."

  232. Warren Polegato | Canada

    04-10-97: 03:25:40: "I agree"

  233. Audrey Hill-Bullett PO Box 144, Idlewild, Michigan, USA

    04-10-97: 04:59:14: "I support this cause with my signature and my prayers for all victims of this tragic action."

  234. Claire Scott Oxford, UK

    05-10-97: 16:20:20: "I agree with this petition."

  235. Jack McGorry Ardley, Bicester, Oxon, UK

    05-10-97: 16:27:33: "We must do whatever it takes to clear existing landmines and ban the sale of new ones. How many more innocent people have to die?"

  236. Grahame Leitch | PO Box 322, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

    05-10-97: 19:06:42: "Landmines should be banned!"

  237. Ayne-Marie Leitch | PO Box 322, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

    05-10-97: 19:10:32: "I fully support Princess Diana's cause to ban landmines worldwide!"

  238. Barney Ambler Sheepway Ct, Iffley, Oxford, UK

    05-10-97: 19:33:07: "Ban landmines now!"

  239. Caspar Hammersley Iffley, Oxford, Oxon, UK

    05-10-97: 20:47:38: "Landmines cause destruction to all living things - human and animal. They must be banned for the sake of humanity."

  240. Michael Hamlin 146 Pk Rd, Spixworth, Norwich, UK

    05-10-97: 21:14:17: "I support this petition."

  241. Edith Noble Malcolm Ct, Stanmore, London. UK

    06-10-97: 02:57:19: "I support this petition."

  242. Fareda Ahmadi | 12625 Dunksferry Rd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

    07-10-97: 01:25:17: "I was born and raised in Afghanstan, one of the most heavily mined country in the world, so I know the personal side of the horror of mines."

  243. William Bennett | Taidswood, Iver Heath, Bucks, UK

    07-10-97: 07:44:23: "Hope this helps."

  244. Richard Hammersley | 8311 N RR 620, Austin, TX, USA

    07-10-97: 21:07:21: "I support this petition."

  245. Jocelin Hackathorn | PO Box 20870, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

    09-10-97: 05:28:00: "As landmines seem to be most effective in maiming civilians, particularly children, their manufacture, sale and distribution must be banned."

  246. Steve McLaughlin | 416 E St N, Sarnia, ONT, Canada

    09-10-97: 04:21:54: "In this day and age of modern politics ... the use of body fragmenting landmines is disgusting and inhumane. We can outlaw these devices and return to the negotiation tables to resolve problems ... not blow up young children and pregnant women, or men and boys just because we can!..WE must fight these criminals who use these items of destruction and ban the use of Landmines forever!"

  247. Christopher Hamlin 146 Pk Rd, Norwich, Norfolk, UK

    10-10-97: 10:35:17: "Banmines are obscene. Let's get rid of them as soon as possible."

  248. Priscilla Costa-Fernandes Coulsdon, Croydon, Surrey, UK

    10-10-97: 10:46:29: "How can we continue to tolerate such inhumanity? I support this petition."

  249. Sirkku Juhola | 94 Kent House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RL, UK

    11-10-97: 12:40:46: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  250. Heather Doolan | 1311 1/2 S Harris Av, Independence, Mo, USA

    12-10-97: 03:35:42: "thank you for the chance to speak out."

  251. Erica Lansdown 64 Annesley Rd, Oxford, UK

    12-10-97: 19:04:11: "I support this petition."

  252. Ursula Lansdown 64 Annesley Rd, Oxford, UK

    12-10-97: 19:57:03: "Ban all landmines now!"

  253. This entry has been removed at the request of the petitioner
  254. Richard Davidson Princes St, Oxford, UK

    13-10-97: 02:02:34: "Let us pray that the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the International Landmines Campaign will help to bring President Clinton to his senses."

  255. CALM (Cats Against Landmines) Fernandina Beach, Jacksonville, FL, USA

    13-10-97: 13:21:34: "Landmines are Cat-egorically Cat-astrophic and Cat-aclysmic. It would be Cat-hartic to see them Purr-ged from the world's Cat-alogue of Ordnance."

  256. Kim Christofferson USA

    13-10-97: 18:14:23: "There is enough destruction in the world today without having to be concerned about our sins of yesterday. I believe landmines should be banned."

  257. Evan Kurtz | 10 Hanford Dr, Dryden, NY, USA

    15-10-97: 18:53:38: "I agree landmines should be banned. The USA should take a lead in this effort, not use weak excuses to avoid its leadership role."

  258. Mark Evans Forest Hill, London, UK

    15-10-97: 23:53:30: "Why aren't there more people signing this petition? It needs millions to sign it, not hundreds. Then perhaps the US military might be persuaded to take notice."

  259. Susan Evans Forest Hill, London, UK

    16-10-97: 17:56:05: "The cruelty of allowing these barbaric weapons to carry on maiming and killing innocent people defies description. They must be banned."

  260. Collaine Faddis | 1442 NW 20th St, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

    17-10-97: 21:35:41: "The banishment of landmines is not only the most ethical and humanitarian action we can take, but will contribute to the public health of the global population significantly. Peace. "

  261. Angela Farrands Anerley, London, UK

    18-10-97: 00:07:19: "For the sake of all those who have died from landmines let us put an end to these disgusting weapons. The dead cannot sign this petition, but we can speak for them and pray for the human race to come to its senses."

  262. Robin Kindle Iffley, Oxford, UK

    19-10-97: 20:29:54: "I support this petition and hope that it will help along with all the other anti-landmine efforts to persuade those countries who have not yet agreed to sign the Landmine Treaty to change their minds."

  263. Lucy Baxter Woodhatch, Reigate, Surrey, UK

    21-10-97: 02:15:22: "I support this petition and hope that we can speed up the detection and destruction of all existing landmines."

  264. Vincenzo Zoppi Oxford Science Pk, Oxford, UK

    24-10-97: 02:09:24: "Who ARE these people who defend the use of landmines? How can you defend blowing up innocent children who happen to be playing in a mined area? Could these defenders of our freedom and liberty by any chance bear a passing resemblance to Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men?"

  265. Eman Azzopardi | 28, St Anthony St, Zebbug ZBG02, Malta

    27-10-97: 00:24:29: "You're doing a great job all of you. I'd like to help a lot those children who are victims of landmines. In July I've been in Bosnia with Robert Maryks s.j. and I've seen what a disaster can such landmines leave. You have the support of Malta too. We are all against landmines and against war."

  266. Suzy Robb Emily Rd, Mt Vincent, NSW, Aus.

    27-10-97: 15:45:33: "All landmines should be banned immediately."

  267. Riley Shigemoto | 2180 AoAo St, Honolulu, HI, USA

    27-10-97: 19:09:47: "I believe that there is a great need to stop the damage done and possibility of greater pain and suffering that could stem from the continued use of landmines"

  268. Andrew De Gabriele | 133, Blanche Huber St, Sliema, Malta

    27-10-97: 23:27:43: "Salty Crocodile tears fall out of the president`s eyes and into the victims wounds"

  269. Peter Scally, SJ | 206 Silloge Rd, Ballymun, Dublin 11, Ireland

    28-10-97: 00:21:49: "There is no possible justification for the use of landmines, because of the threat they pose to the lives of the innocent, even after the conflicts that gave rise to their use are over. Their use and manufacture must be stopped."

  270. Joseph Mueller | 1241 Barchester, Westland, Michigan, USA

    28-10-97: 01:16:41: "I believe that landmines pose an immediate and grave danger to society. It behooves humanity to eliminate them from the face of the earth."

  271. Kris Schroder | 5 Ballantyne St, Thornbury, Victoria, Aus.

    28-10-97: 13:05:25: "This continual use of such deadly consequences has to stop."

  272. James Godwin | 423 W. College Av, Tallahassee, FL, USA

    28-10-97: 14:53:33: "I agree that landmines should be banned as soon as possible."

  273. Kelley Snow | Rt 1 Box 531, Greenfield, MO, USA

    28-10-97: 16:32:26: "I think landmines need to be banned because of all the innocent lives they take."

  274. Nathaniel Golich | 1770 S Williams St, Room 406N, Denver, CO, USA

    28-10-97: 22:54:55: "While I see the military intelligence behind Clinton`s refusal to sign the treaty. I cannot, in good conscience, support my governments decision after having seen the effects of landmines on those not engaged in war. These devices last to long and are too quickly forgotten to ever be `safely used.`"

  275. Suzanne Munro | 158 St Bees Close, London, ONT, Canada

    28-10-97: 23:25:30: "Landmines are horrible. To children. They should be banned. And Diana, so good, and feeling. And she was. She should be remembered for thinking of these people. Because they, most of them are the poorest people on the earth. Suzanne Munro"

  276. Don Morris | PO Box 565245, Miami, Fl, USA

    28-10-97: 23:51:02: "Landmines don`t discriminate between people. They injure and kill innocent people as well as their intended target. When people are done with the fighting, landmines continue to kill and maim. Since governments can`t guarantee that they will be able to keep innocent people from being injured or killed, the only alternative is to ban them totally. Please write your government representative urging them to sign the treaty to ban landmines. Make the world a safer place for everyone."

  277. Titus R. Baxter Woodhatch, Reigate, Surrey, UK

    29-10-97: 01:14:18: "Please stop the landmines for the sake of all our futures."

  278. George Dougherty | 9616 E. Maplewood Cir., Englewood, CO, USA

    29-10-97: 03:19:30: "Landmines suck. Military actions & weapons should only affect military personel and those stupid/unfortunate enough to be around them."

  279. Amy Schwettmann | 1770 S. Williams St 813N, Denver, CO, USA

    29-10-97: 03:32:51: "I support this petition."

  280. Sheila Campbell | 620-45 Tsunawaki, Shonai-machi, Fukuoka-kan, Japan

    30-10-97: 09:15:43: "I am an English teacher on the JET program in Japan. My second and third year Junior High students have studied about landmines and written haiku for peace. The first year students have made origami tulips to support the Not Mines, But Flowers/Peace is Not Enough campaign to ban landmines. The Association to Aid Refugee, Japan has written two books `A Plea from Sunny` and `Sunny Goes to Cambodia` to educate children and adults about landmines. An international ban of all landmines is essential for peace."

  281. Judy Edwards Bromley, Kent, UK

    30-10-97: 10:35:18: "I can't see how anyone could justify the carnage to innocent people caused by landmines. They must be banned imediately."

  282. Caroline Edwards Bromley, Kent, UK

    30-10-97: 10:57:55: "Landmines are horrible. They must be banned."

  283. Lynda Youel | 5 Stevenson Way, Willetton, Perth, WA, Aus.

    30-10-97: 15:16:20: "Anything that kills - especially innocent victims - should be banned. The US should be ashamed of itself refusing to be a part of the banning of landmines."

  284. Gene Bearer | 1059 Sunbrook Dr, Duncansville, PA, USA

    30-10-97: 23:23:49: "My wish is for all instruments of hate and destruction to be used no longer. This seems to be a step in that direction. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth."

  285. Sarah Blazier | 107 W. Redwing, Duluth, MN, USA

    31-10-97: 16:50:54: "Stop the killing and injuring of innocent people. Ban Landmines today!"

  286. Christine Gurchinoff | 1440 N. Beverly St, Porterville, CA, USA

    03-11-97: 14:18:17: "I agree that landmines should be banned."

  287. Ben Costa-Fernandes Coulsdon, Surrey, UK

    03-11-97: 15:56:12: "I support the petition to ban landmines."

  288. Laurel O'Rourke | PO 292, Hammond, Wisconsin, USA

    03-11-97: 21:38:28: "I protested in Hopkins, Minnesota on Oct.24th. We need to get rid of these killers. I will do what is needed to help."

  289. Sue Mogweni Hatt, Saltash, Cornwall, UK

    06-11-97: 22:20:02: "I support this petition. Landmines are vile and disgusting and every nation that calls itself civilized should sign the treaty to ban them."

  290. Steven Carlson | 1111 E Columbia St, Seattle, WA, USA

    07-11-97: 09:04:07: "Landmines should be band, innocent people die or injured all the time in post-war zones and current war zones. Please stop the manufacturing of mines."

  291. Kimberley Allen | Winthrop PO Box 6232, Rock Hill, SC, USA

    07-11-97: 20:03:05: "I am writing a term paper on the landmine ban for my national securities class. This issue touches my heart because mines hurt children more often than any other group and they do not have any idea why the mines are even in the ground. This is one world wide problem we must all educate ourselves on so that it may be stopped."

  292. Matthew Zielinski | 1 University Plaza, Madison, WI, USA

    11-11-97: 00:39:51: "someday, maybe children throughout the world in affected areas may be able to go outside and play without the fear of never coming home, God Bless all who are affected"

  293. Tassy Thompson thompson.764@ | 146 Hopkins Hall, OSU, Columbus, Ohio, USA

    12-11-97: 00:07:03: "I pray for a different harvest Mr. Clinton. You had better watch your step!"

  294. Harvey Lineback | 22790 Maple Rd, Hollywood, Maryland, USA

    12-11-97: 15:20:07: "Surely, this is something that civilized people cannot disagree with. I agree that landmines should be banned."

  295. Barbara Newson 30 Abberbury Rd, Iffley, Oxford OX4 4ES, UK

    13-11-97: 11:34:50: "I support this petition."

  296. Perry Scott-Powling Princes St, Oxford, UK

    13-11-97: 13:47:36: "Ban landmines now!"

  297. Stacie Leigh Watt 2885 Summerview Crt., Westbank, BC, Canada

    13-11-97: 21:35:12: "I have just recently gone to the Red Cross Symposium and it made me understand how severe the problems of landmines are. I would like to become more involved in thr Red Cross. I would also like to say good-bye to Princess Dianna."

  298. Patrick Fitzsimons | 10460 Delihant Rd, Three Rivers, MI, USA

    14-11-97: 21:12:07: "President Clinton should agree to the ban immediately! Shame on those who support the production and use of landmines."

  299. Fay Barbara Deane | RD 2, Dargaville, N Island, NZ

    15-11-97: 03:56:23: "Stop the senseless and barbaric carnage."

  300. Theodore Olson | 2000 Benton St, Bakersfield, CA, USA

    18-11-97: 00:04:57: "The overwhelming evidence of misguided catastrophe should make every sane human do their utmost to ban this loose cannon!"

  301. Tricia Wooten 5401 205th St, CT E, Spanaway, WA, USA

    18-11-97: 19:42:22: "People`s lives or their loved ones shouldn`t be affected by the landmines because the memory will stay forever."

  302. Sarah Bride | 7 Rutland St, Rutland, Vermont, USA

    19-11-97: 23:56:38: "I feel that landmines are an unnecessary tool in war. Troops leave them in countries and years later the innocent step on them and are killed. It just doesn't seem fair. Now I am doing a report for my history class on why it is our responsibility to take a stand as Americans due to our Declaration of Independence. I have great admiration for the Princess and I want to do all I can to continue on this great cause."

  303. Tanya Youngblood | 1114 Gray Mare Hollow Rd, Aiken, SC, USA

    20-11-97: 17:12:01: "Please end the suffering and maiming of innocent people. Ban landmines."

  304. Evelyn Rollason | 300 W Third St, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948, USA

    21-11-97: 04:04:36: "Ban landmines now"

  305. Robert Maryks | | P.zza Villapizzone, 3, 20156 Milano, Italy, tel.: +39-(0)2-327.11.86 * fax: +39-(0)2-327.10.09

    Robert Maryks with Diana, Sarajevo, 10 Aug.'97

    21-11-97: 09:56:13: "I worked for landmines children victims with Jesuit Refugee Service in Bosnia, so I really know what they are suffering."

  306. Lisa Marie Fabrega | 106 Walsh Hall, Notre Dame, IN, USA

    21-11-97: 19:57:08: "I think that it is outrageous that the bill was vetoed. It looks as though our whole country is saying `we do not care about you, we are turning our backs on you`. If we can`t take the responsibility to help the many victims of landmines, no one else is going to. As human beings it is not a choice, but our DUTY to help out our fellow human beings. By allowing the veto of this bill it is as if we ourselves are killing these innocent children and adults. And most of the victims are children. I am ashamed to be living in a country that, with Clinton`s veto of the bill, is saying that we simply don`t care. There are no reasons, political or economical, that support the veto of this bill. There is no view that can support the sacrifice of human life. We need to spread this petition around. Many people don`t even know this is going on. Spread the word. We are responsible for the life of every innocent human being that becomes a victim of landmines every 22 minutes. Today 66 people will be killed or maimed by anti-personnel landmines. 53 of these victims are innocent. 13 of these victims are children. In Cambodia there is one landmine in the ground for every man, woman, and child. This is terrible and a disgrace! We need to stop this!"

  307. Francis CyberBob | 17 Félix-Leclerc, Joliette, Quebec, Canada

    22-11-97: 03:41:25: "A mine equals a death ... "

  308. James Martino | 125 Amberwood Dr., Fayetteville, GA, USA

    23-11-97: 21:40:05: "The worldwide cooperation is needed for peace. I don`t believe in the use of these powerful, genocidal weapons being tested. Thank you."

  309. Alessandro Broggiato | Via Colombo, Albignasego, Padova, Veneto, Italy

    24-11-97: 15:49:16: "I think we all should do something about this tragedy that has already killed to many innocent people."

  310. Sarah Jean Nelson | 400 E 8th St, Morris, MN, USA

    26-11-97: 00:40:56: "Landmines are life threatening to mankind. They are inhumane and should be outlawed by customary international law."

  311. Karen Kirschling | 633 Oak St #2, San Francisco, CA, USA

    30-11-97: 10:08:02: "Landmines are killers of innocent people throughout the world. They must be removed, however long it takes, and their use must cease. Thank you."

  312. Sarah Blodgett | 280 Brookline St #6, Cambridge, MA, USA

    03-12-97: 16:50:28: "I think that banning landmines is a really important thing to do. I believe that the reasons why are obvious."

  313. Robert T. Warren | 3558 S. Fairplay Way, Aurora, CO, USA

    03-12-97: 02:25:51: "I fully support the efforts to ban landmines. -Bob Warren."

  314. Melissa Perritt | 115 Cedar Av, Beaufort, NC, 28516, USA

    03-12-97: 15:35:36: "Landmines take innocent lives. There is no good in deceit."

  315. Jennifer Marie Ciraulo | CWRU, Cleveland, OH, USA

    03-12-97: 17:57:08: "LIFE Life isn`t about keeping score. It`s not about how many friends you have, Or how accepted you are. Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you`re alone. It isn`t about who you`re dating, who you used to date, how many people you`ve dated, or if you haven`t been with anyone at all. It isn`t about who you have kissed. It`s not about sex. It isn`t about who your family is or how much money they have, Or what kind of car you drive. Or where you are sent to school. It`s not about how beautiful or ugly you are. Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, or what kind of music you listen to. It`s not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown, Or if your skin is too light or too dark. Not about what grades you get, how smart you are, how smart everybody else thinks you are, or how smart standardized tests say you are. It`s not about what clubs you`re in or how good you are at `your` sport. It`s not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will `accept the written you.` ****LIFE JUST ISN`T**** But, life is about who you love and who you hurt. It`s about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully. It`s about keeping or betraying trust. It`s about friendship, used as a sanctity or a weapon. It`s about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening. About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip. It`s about what judgments you pass and why. And who your judgments are spread to. It`s about who you`ve ignored with full control and intention. It`s about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge. It`s about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow, and spreading it. But most of all, it`s about using your life to touch or poison other people`s hearts in such a way that could have never occurred alone. Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those choices are what life`s all about. - unknown If we ALL do something little, it will amount to ALOT. Good luck with the petition!"

  316. Laila Hadeed 914 Longfellow St, Allentown, PA. 18104, USA

    04-12-97: 01:41:37: "Please support the ban on landmines. These servants of war destroy,slaughter, and maim. They are the midnight robbers of the innocent - silent and hidden, they ravage lives, shatter dreams and steal the futures of civilians, primarily those of children."

  317. Ronny Wolff | 10, rue du Faubourg L-8468, Eischen, Luxembourg

    04-12-97: 19:33:41: "Even not being a pacifist I really disapprove the use of such disgusting weapons. When you`ve seen a child mutilated by such a vicious thing I think that one can only be against landmines. What is even worse is the fact that the president of the USA isn`t against them. Shame on him and on those who think like him, whatever their reasons."

  318. Natascha Bannister | P1B 9N7, N Bay, ONT, Canada

    04-12-97: 22:58:36: "Landmines should be banned due to the innocent people being killed everyday. I have friends and family who are doing peacekeeping in the UN Nations and I am scared for their life due to these landmines. We have enough ammunition in the world which is above the ground and which you can see, so why do we need underground ammunition too? Would you want your friend or family to be harmed or killed by one of these landmines? We have enough ammunition to fight wars with and which is killng enough people. How many more people have to die before something is done? Thank you."

  319. Blake Sayers | Box 558, Westbrookville, NY, USA

    04-12-97: 23:01:46: "It should be obvious."

  320. Andree Manuel | Hoam Faculty House, Kwanak-ku, Seoul, Korea (S)

    05-12-97: 01:30:37: "Landmines should be banned including in the demilitarized zone in Korea."

  321. Lisa Guss Abingdon Rd, London W8, UK

    05-12-97: 04:04:58: "The US government`s refusal to sign the Treaty is disgraceful and wicked."

  322. Franca Jorda | Apartado 1056, 41080 Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain

    05-12-97: 09:37:54: "It is wonderful to use Internet for things of this kind. Let us dedicate a few minutes of the day to the less favored. Good day."

  323. Margot Verduijn | 485 Scottsdale Dr, Guelph, ONT, Canada

    05-12-97: 21:50:37: "End the tragedy, save the children. Ban and disarm landmines worldwide."

  324. Wiley Lastrapes | TCU Box 293841, Fort Worth, TX, USA

    05-12-97: 22:03:39: "The use of landmines is an archaic and barbaric practice."

  325. Dave Hayzen-Smith | 16 Alexandra Rd, Burton on Trent, Staffs, UK

    07-12-97: 12:43:36: "Ban them NOW"

  326. Annie Jensen | PO Box 261458, Excom, Johannesburg, Gauteng, S Africa

    07-12-97: 13:01:27: "I support the Banning of Landmines 100%. Too many maimed people, too much disrespect for life. Who supports the affected when they are the victims? The people that plant the mines, noways. BAN THEM! What quality of life do these poor people have at the hands of the people who want the power. BAN THEM NOW!"

  327. Chris Colley | Brynmwcog, Brynteg, Marianglas, Wales

    08-12-97: 13:04:50: "Landmines should be banned. Wars are bad enough without civilians suffering serious injuries long after the wars are over."

  328. Sandra Cessna | 338 Emery Dr., Romeoville, Illinois, USA

    08-12-97: 16:51:59: "I support your efforts. Keep up the good work!"

  329. Jason Marion | 72 Wood Creek Ct., Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA

    12-12-97: 03:56:37: "Hello, I am doing a report on landmines and now I've figured out how bad they are, I am all for the banning of landmines. Thank you."

  330. William Lotterhos | 7250 W Greens Rd, #1001, Houston, TX, USA

    12-12-97: 04:22:06: "Landmines should be banned! It is a disgrace that my county, the USA, refused to sign the Canadian agreement."

  331. Andrew John Parsons | Liebeneckstrasse 15, 75175 Pforzheim, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany

    13-12-97: 20:48:25: "I agree that this most evil weapon of destruction that maims and kills innocent children and civilians should be banned."

  332. Candy van Olst | 74B Brunswick St, Leamington Spa, Warks, UK

    14-12-97: 19:51:15: "Just do it. Get the things banned forever."

  333. Abdullah Mortaza | 13607 S. Springs Ct., Clifton, Va, USA

    14-12-97: 21:36:04: "There have to be better ways to defend our troops. With todays technology all we have to do is try to find a solution."

  334. Philip Watkins Flat 4, 54 Perham Rd, Barons Ct, London, W14 9SS, UK

    15-12-97: 13:56:38: "This indiscriminate weapon`s victims are not men of war but the innocent. This is surely the most important reason for its outlaw."

  335. Michael Floyd Forest Hill, London, UK

    19-12-97: 05:24:34: "And did those feet ... "

  336. Michelle Brunet | 13 Elm St, Kanata, ONT, Canada

    21-12-97: 20:38:31: "Landmines are terrible things. I`m so pleased to be part of this petition in honour of Diana."

  337. Simon Lee | 1 Linley Ct, Northcote, Victoria, Aus.

    24-12-97: 10:07:07: "The time has come to put an end to man`s most inhumane actions. The more publicity this site gets, the happier I will be."

  338. Laurie Wilson | | 27419 Gratiot Av, Roseville, Michigan 48066, USA

    25-12-97: 16:36:51: "Landmines definitely are not `cool thingz`! We need Peace on Earth, not more of our brethren blown to pieces! With all my heart, I support this petition`s goal of bringing about the total and permanent abolition of landmines globally."

  339. Beth F. Gottschalk | USA

    28-12-97: 23:10:25: "I support this petition."

  340. ETX / Eternity X | PO Box 38, Cliffwood, NJ 07721-0038, USA

    29-12-97: 17:38:05: "Keep up the great work!"

  341. Dianna Quick | 820 S.Fagley St, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

    30-12-97: 23:00:32: "I think this is wonderful. I love Princess Diana very much, and I want to do all I can to support her causes. I feel this is a very worthwhile cause and it deserves our fullest attention. I will recommend this site to as many as I can. Please, if anyone wants to help me with petitioning against tabloids in Diana`s memory, or to share comments, please e-mail me."


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Created 3 Sep.1997. Copyright (c) MNE-AESOP