- Professional consulting experience
- Educational experience
- Awards
- Education
- Journalistic experience
- Scholarly activity and publications
- Public service
- Memberships
- Professional skills
- References
- Style manuals/references/programs
- Outstanding Graduate Student, Southwest Texas State University, School of Liberal Arts, April 1990
- Bill R. Brunson Award for outstanding graduate writing from the SWT chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, April 1990
- Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas
Degree - Bachelor of Arts, May 1986
Major - Journalism, Minor - History
GPA - 3.8
- Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas
Degree - Master of Arts, May 1990
Major - History, Minor - English
GPA - 4.0
- Texas Christian University
Ft. Worth, Texas
Degree - Doctor of Philosophy
Major - American History
Minors - Modern Europe, Spanish Borderlands
GPA - 3.9
- The Heat From the Forge: Aspects
of the Seven Year Drought of the 1950s in Texas
Major Professor - Dr. D. Clayton Brown
- 1976-81 - Reporter and columnist for the Junction Eagle, Junction, Texas. Publisher, A. Roy Cooper.
- 1981-86 - Stringer for the San Angelo Standard Times and freelance contributer to Texas Hill Country Review.
- 1981-85 - various staff positions with the Southwest Texas State University newspaper the University Star, including managing editor and weekly columnist.
- 1985-86 Editor Southwest Texas State University yearbook, The Pedagog.
- 1997 - Computer columnist for the Junction Eagle.
- "'Sure Is A Funny World:' Drought Humor in Texas in the 1950's." Presented to the Southwestern Social Science Association, 30 March 1990, Ft. Worth.
- "'Did You Hear the One About . . .' - Texas Drought Humor." Presented to the West Texas Historical Association, 6 April 1990, San Angelo. Subsequently published in the West Texas Historical Association Journal.
- "Laughing at the Clouds: Texas Drought Humor." Presented to the Texas Folklore Society, 29 March 1991, San Marcos. Subsequently appeared in the volume Corners of Texas (University of Texas Press, 1993) edited by Frances E. Abernathy.
- "One Liners, Jokes, and Anecdotes: Texas Drought Humor." Presented to the Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference, 20 April 1991, Stephenville.
- "The Texan Character: Environmental, Cultural and Literary Factors." Presented at the Conference "America's Distant Cultures: Regionalism in the South and West," 13 June 1992, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. Part of a collection of essays being considered for publication by the University of Alabama Press.
- "A Menard Childhood: Memories of Central Texas in the 1930s and 1940s." Presentation to the Texas Folklore Society, meeting in San Angelo on 9 April 1993.
- "A Hundred Miles from Water and Six Inches from Hell: Texas Drought Humor," The Roundup Quarterly 5 (Spring 1993).
- "Pushed to the Trough: Allan Shivers, Drought, and the Election of 1952." Presentation to the Southwestern Social Science Association meeting in San Antonio, Texas, 31 March 1994.
- Twelve articles in an Encyclopedia of the British Empire published in 1995.
- "The 1953 Appointment of Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture." Presentation to the Southwestern Social Science Association meeting in Dallas Texas, Spring 1995.
- When the Catfish Had Ticks. Austin: Eakin Press, 1997.
- The Heat From the Forge. A history of the 1950-1957 Texas drought, being considered for publication by Eakin Press, Austin.
- Discussion with Mrs. Danelda Crouse's seventh grade, "gifted and talented" class on Elmer Kelton's novel, The Time It Never Rained and the role of the environment in Texas history.
1 April 1994, Burleson, Texas.
- Presentation to the University of Dallas, Phi Alpha Theta chapter, 16 November 1994, on the role of environment in the teaching and study of history.
Irving, Texas.
- Presentation to the Telephone Pioneers Association, "When the Catfish Had Ticks."
1 April 1994, Lakewood Country Club, Dallas, Texas.
- Presentation to the University of Dallas Student Government, Spring 1995, comparing the political careers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich.
- Working as a volunteer with the Tarrant County Retrofest for 1998.

- 1986, Phi Alpha Theta, History Honor Society
- Texas Historical Association
- Southwestern Social Science Association
