Prologue, The Somme, 1916
- In which Captain Crummond is visited by ennui and Lord Bunky Brancaster
- In which Miss Fenton stumbles on the catalyst and Lord Binky Brancaster stumbles on a pigeon
- In which the Yard is daunted by a flabbergasting formula and floored by a dagger flaunted in a garter
- In which the Professor's numbers are halved in a locket and the numb Professor is locked in a harlot
- In which the Captain crouches at Brancaster and sniffs a whiff of intrigue, and the Count intrigues at Netherington and braves a whiff of
- In which an exercise is remembered and a member is re-exercised
- In which the Professor is betrayed by an involuntary slip of the tongue
- In which the battle is won by an oar and lost by a potted palm
- In which Miss Fenton commits two faux pas and Captain Crummond passes two foes
- In which the Captain makes up his mind at the mantelpiece as the Count makes up his face at the mirror
- In which the cunning arm of blind fate starts a taxi and stops a bus
- In which Lenya von Brunno is caught in her bad habits and the Black Baron of Blitzburg exposes himself
- In which the Hun are scotched by a Roedean downpour and a Scotchman is poured down under the road
- In which Hawkeye McGilliecuddy falls into a tree, Captain Crummond falls into a window, and Miss Fenton falls into a swoon
- In which Miss Fenton kills with kindness and talc, Hugh Crummond destroys a Whippet with his bare hands, and a lumbering monster is put out of its misery
- In which we see the rise of world destruction, the growth of a myth, and the decline and fall of an inflated legend
- In which the hardest substance known to man is created in an underground torture chamber laboratory, hides under Miss Fenton's cushion and inside her Chinese urn, and promises to be home in time for tea
- In which Crummond is fooled by a French widow and Crouch is foul by a french window
- In which the Captain mounts a rescue and Lenya mounts the Captain
- In which Dr Blitzer's beep is blown by Albert Einstein, the Black Baron's bamboozle is blown by Miss Fenton, and the most brilliant minds in the universe are blown by a giant aerosol
- In which an extraordinary theory sticks in Dr Einstein's throat, an explosive fury sticks in Captain Crummond's mouth, and an excruciating flunkey is stuck on Miss Fenton's feet
- In which Miss Fenton prepares to die in a quarry and Crouch dies to quarry Miss Fenton's pears
- In which the Hun nation are taught the meaning of pluck and how to bat by the rules, and the British nation are caught out for a duck and stumped in the goolies
- In which Captain Crummond arises like a phoenix from its ashes and is buried in a very hard substance
- In which something soft, wet and squidgy moves under Miss Fenton's legs and starts up Captain Crummond's ferocious Lagonda
- In which Captain Crummond wrestles with eight talking tentacles and goes down for the Count
- In which Dobbs instructs his master's friend to throttle a motorcar and Lenya destructs His Master's Voice to throttle Miss Fenton
- In which science is unchained from an armchair and sorcery is unplugged on a four-poster bed
- In which a gangling goggly-eyed giggler gambols in her goggles and a grunting gurgling gargoyle gambles on his gunnery
- In which the Captain has a a plane to catch and the Professor has a shoulder to cry on
- In which you will truly believe that an Englishman can fly
- In which Rosemary gets her man, Binky does his bit and Bullshot pulls it off